POMEXPORT P. O. Box 4075, Ft Myers, FL - 33918 Info@Pomexport.com ~ http://www.Pomexport.com ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ***COMPLETE BANKNOTE, NOTGELD, SCRIP plus STOCKS & BONDS etc. by COUNTRY LISTING A - Z / UNITED STATES of AMERICA (USA) is at the VERY END *************** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| AFGHANISTAN 8 10 Afghanis 1928 AU With both French & Afghani texts 45.00 43.00 40.00 -.-- 55 10 Afghanis 1979 AU Palace/Mountains/River Scene 1.90 1.75 1.60 1.25 57b 50 Afghanis 1991 UNC Hejira 1369 Farm worker & factory/Hydroelectric dam 1.20 1.00 0.70 0.60 60, 61, 500, 1000 62 & 63 5000 & 10000 Afghanis * 1991-93 AU-UNC Set of 4 Taliban Issued notes=Horses, Sportsmen & Mosques 7.50 7.00 5.25 5.00 60c 500 Afghanis 1991 UNC Horsemen playing national Sport (Buzkashi), Kabul 1.75 1.65 1.10 1.00 61c 1,000 Afghanis 1991 UNC Mosque / Shrine w. archways 1.75 1.65 1.10 1.00 61c 1,000 Afghanis 1991 UNC Genuine Taliban bank note overprinted TERRORIST 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.10 64a 1 Afghani 2002 UNC Hejira 1381 Mosque on the back with birds 1.50 0.95 0.85 0.75 ALBANIA 3a 20 Franka Ari * 1926 G (with graffiti) Young boy & Drin Bridge with scene of Skutari 11.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 7 20 Franga * 1939-44 G Italy WWII Occupation large size w' Roma & Romulus, Remus 9.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- ALGERIA 131 100 Dinars 1981 UNC Minarets / Ships 10.00 9.00 -.-- -.-- 133 20 Dinars 1983 AU-UNC Light corner bump, otherwise UNC 8.50 8.40 8.30 -.-- ALGERIA - WHITE WINE LABEL In French, with vineyard, palm trees, castle, camel etc Uniface 3.00 2.65 2.50 2.35 ANGOLA 95 500 Escudos 1962 VF Port of Luanda / 2 Rhinos 2.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 96 1,000 Escudos 1962 F-VF Hydro Electric dam / Horned animals 10.00 9.50 -.-- -.-- 103 1,000 Escudos 1972 XF M.Caramona / Waterfalls 12.00 11.00 10.00 -.-- 108 1,000 Escudos 1973 XF Luis de Camoes / Waterfalls 17.00 16.00 -.-- -.-- 135 1000 Kwanzas Adjusted 1995 UNC Sable Antelope on the back 8.50 8.30 8.00 -.-- ANTARCTICA NL 1 Dollar * 1999 UNC Mountains, snow and plenty of penguins, serially numbered 6.50 6.30 6.00 5.50 ANTIGUA - See either British Caribbean and/or East Caribbean ARGENTINA 257 1 Peso 1947 XF-AU Seated Liberty (Progeso) (Woman) M Series 10.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 257 1 Peso 1947 XF-AU Seated Liberty (Progeso) (Woman) N Series 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 275 5 Pesos * 1960-62 UNC General Jose de San Martin / People in front of Building 6.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 279 1000 Pesos * 1966-69 AU General Jose de San Martin / Sailing Ship 11.00 9.50 -.-- -.-- 294 5 Pesos 1976 UNC General M. Belgrano / Flag monument 1.10 0.95 0.85 0.75 303b 500 Pesos 1981 UNC de San Martin /Monument Sign Lopez & Diz 2.75 2.25 2.00 1.75 304d 1,000 Pesos 1983 UNC de San Martin/Plaza de Mayo Sign Lopez & Ianella 1.50 1.00 0.80 0.60 305a 5,000 Pesos 1983 UNC San Martin/Mar de la Plata coast-Arms watermark 4.00 3.60 3.40 3.20 305b 5,000 Pesos 1983 UNC San Martin/Mar de la Plata coast-Arms watermark 1.35 1.10 1.00 0.90 307 50,000 Pesos 1979 UNC San Martin / Banco Central on reverse 4.75 4.55 4.35 -.-- 311 1 Peso Argentino 1983-4 UNC de San Martin/Bariloche lake Sign Lopez & Del Solar 1.55 1.40 1.25 1.00 311 1 Peso Argentino 1984 AU de San Martin/Bariloche lake Sign Lopez & Vazquez 1.25 0.95 0.85 0.75 314 50 Pesos Argentinos 1983-5 UNC Jose de San Martin/Jujuy hot springs 1.50 1.10 0.95 0.85 318a 5000 Pesos 1984 UNC Bautista 5.75 5.55 5.35 4.00 323b 1 Austral 1989 UNC B. Rivadavia 0.90 0.80 0.70 -.-- 324b 5 Australes 1989 UNC J.J. de Urquiza 0.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 328b 500 Australes 1988 UNC N.Avellanda / Statue 1.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 339a 1 Peso 1992 UNC Pellegrini/National Congress 7.25 7.10 6.90 -.-- 339a 1 Peso 1992 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 10.00 9.50 9.00 -.-- 354 10 Pesos * 2003 F-VF Belgrano / Rosario monument 3.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 355 20 Pesos * 2003 F-VF Juan manuel de Rosas / Sailing Vessels 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 358 100 Pesos * 2016 UNC Commemorative issue with Eva (Evita) Peron / Mother & kids 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 Political Note 1989 UNC Menem Propaganda Note-Blue Embossed (Denominated 1 Valor) 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.55 Political Note 1999 UNC Menem Propaganda Note - color (Denominated 10 Valores) 2.25 1.60 1.50 1.40 1000 Pesos MOVIE MONEY - Don't cry for me Argentina with genuine looking watermark printed 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.90 S2309 50 Centavos 2002 UNC Buenos Aires emergency note 25.00 22.75 20.50 -.-- ANGLO ARGENTINE TRAMWAYS 20 Pounds SHARE - 9.75 x 15.25" or 25 x 38 cms Engraved Congress Hall and tram of 1910 7.50 7.25 7.00 6.75 ARMENIA 32a 500 Rubles/20,000 Drams 1993 UNC Forerunner Currency State Year Bond Replacemnt money 15.75 15.00 14.50 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| AUSTRALIA 26b 1 Pound * 1942 F-VF WWII issue w King George VI / sigend by Armitage & McFarlane 24.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 42d 1 Dollar 1983 UNC Queen Eliz./Native Art 5.75 5.25 4.85 4.75 43d 2 Dollars 1983 AU Corner bump - Mac Arthur/Wheat ears 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 43e 2 Dollars 1985 UNC Mac Arthur & sheep/Farrer & wheat-Johnston~Stone Sign 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.90 56a 5 Dollars * 2001 F-VF Polymer-Commemorative Henry Parkes/Catherine Helen Spence 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- UNL 50 Dollars 1980's UNC Teller training note on official paper with silk fibers 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 UNL 100 Dollars 1980's UNC Teller training note on official paper with silk fibers 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 Set of two = 50 & 100 Dollars 1980's UNC Teller training note on official paper with silk fibers 11.50 11.00 10.50 -.-- AUSTRIA (AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN, see HUNGARY) 13 20 Kronen * 1913 G-F Woman on front and back (Austrian & Hungarian) 10.00 9.00 -.-- -.-- 19 10 Kronen * 1915 XF-AU WWI Issue - young boy in center bottom & young man on reverse 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 49 1 Krone 1919 Fine German-Austria overprint on Austro-Hungary issue 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 50 2 Kronen 1919 Fine+ German-Austria overprint on Austro-Hungary issue 2.00 1.50 1.25 -.-- 50 2 Kronen 1919 Fine+ Non-Overprinted on Austro-Hungary issue 3.95 3.85 3.80 3.75 52 20 Kronen * 1919 G-F Woman Portraits with German Austria Overprint 12.00 11.00 -.-- -.-- 53 20 Kronen * 1919 Fine German-Austria overprint on Austro-Hungary P# 14 3.35 3.15 -.-- -.-- 59 1000 Kronen * 1919 VF Large format - Woman Overstamped 'German-Austria' 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 60 1000 Kronen * 1919 VF Large format, Woman & 2 more on back-Red stamped 'German-Austria' 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 64 10,000 Kronen * 1918 VF-XF Woman w flowers in her hair, issued just before end of WW1 14.00 13.50 11.00 -.-- 77 100 Kronen * 1922 Fine Portrait of Princess Rohan 7.00 6.50 6.00 -.-- 78 1000 Kronen * 1922 F-VF Portrait of a Woman 12.00 11.50 11.00 -.-- 65 10000 Kronen 1919 G-F Have centerfold Overprint DeutschOstereich (Old date 2.11.1918) 11.00 10.00 9.00 8.00 5 Kronen * 1914-5 AU WWI Prisoner of War (POW) Harth bei Amstetten 12.00 11.50 11.00 -.-- 10 Kronen * 1914-5 AU WWI Prisoner of War (POW) Harth bei Amstetten 14.00 12.50 11.00 -.-- 50 Kronen * 1914-5 AU WWI Prisoner of War (POW) Harth bei Amstetten 17.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 73 1 Krone 1922 UNC Small size, uniface design (red) 4.00 3.25 2.80 2.50 75 10 Kronen * 1922 AU/UNC Small size, portrait of child at right, blue-violet 1.25 1.00 -.-- -.-- 77 100 Kronen * 1922 Fine Small size, portrait of young girl at right 2.75 2.50 -.-- -.-- 78 1000 Kronen * 1922 Fine Small size, portrait of woman at right 6.00 5.50 4.75 -.-- 116 20 Schilling * 1945 Fine WWII, Girl at left, Farmer on right, Farm reverse 6.00 5.75 5.50 -.-- 118 100 Schilling * 1945 Fine Allegory of Science, Academy of Sciences Reverse 11.50 11.00 -.-- -.-- 121 5 Schilling * 1945 Fine Portrait of Prof. Dr. H Brucke w/ Compass 6.00 5.75 -.-- -.-- 20 Kronen 1919 Fine SUDETENLAND(REICHENBERG)Czechoslovakia 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 10 Heller 1916 AU-UNC Prisoner of War NOTE (WW I) GRODIG 8.75 8.50 8.25 -.-- 1 Krone 1916 AU-UNC Prisoner of War (WWI) Aschach, ad Donau 11.50 11.00 10.50 -.-- 2 Kronen 1916 AU-UNC Prisoner of War (WWI) Aschach, ad Donau 17.00 16.75 16.50 16.25 142 20 Schilling 1967 F-VF Carl Ritter von Ghega & Semmering Railway Bridge 6.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 143 50 Schillings * 1972 F-VF Ferdinand Raimund / Theatre 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 148 20 Schilling 1986 UNC M.Daffinger / Building 8.75 8.50 8.25 -.-- 150 100 Schillings * 1984 F-VF E. Bohm von Bawerk/Wissenschaften Academy 12.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- AZERBAIJAN 1 25 Rubles 1919 G-F Design-Independence 11.75 11.60 11.50 11.40 1 25 Rubles 1919 F-VF Pictorial design 16.40 16.20 16.00 15.80 2 50 Rubles 1919 G-F design-Independence 11.50 11.00 10.50 -.-- 2 50 Rubles 1919 F-VF Pictorial design 18.75 18.40 18.00 17.80 7 500 Rubles * 1920 P Pictorial design 3.75 3.50 -.-- -.-- 7 500 Rubles * 1920 G-F Pictorial design 8.75 8.50 8.25 -.-- 7 500 Rubles * 1920 AU Pictorial design 18.50 17.00 16.00 15.00 11 1 Manat 1992 UNC Maiden-Tower Ruins 3.60 3.35 3.25 3.15 14 1 Manat 1993 UNC Maiden-Tower Ruins 4.50 4.25 4.15 4.05 BAKU CITY ADMINISTRATION of AZERBAIJAN is listed separately BAHAMAS 35a 1 Dollar * 1974 UNC Queen Elizabeth II / Sea Garden, Arms 35.00 32.00 -.-- -.-- 35a 1 Dollar * 1974 F-VF Queen Elizabeth II / Sea Garden, Arms 9.50 8.50 -.-- -.-- 35b 1 Dollar * 1974 F-VF Queen Elizabeth II / Sea Garden, Arms - Allen Signature 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 43a 1 Dollar * 1984 F-VF Queen Elizabeth II / Police Band, Arms 6.50 6.00 -.-- -.-- 43a 1 Dollar * 1992 F-VF Columbus 500th Anniversary / Parrots, iguana, map & Ships 3.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 57 1 Dollar * 1996 F-VF An older Queen Elizabeth II / Police Band, Arms 4.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- BAHRAIN 1 100 Fils * 1964 G-F Dhow, Arms / Palm Trees Falcon Watermark 4.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 8 1 Dinar * 1973 F-XF Minaret of the Manama Mosque, Dhow / HQ of Monetary agency 8.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 17 1/2 Dinar * 1996 AU Map, Man Weaving / Aluminum Bahrain Facility Antelope Watermark 18.50 17.50 16.50 -.-- BAKU CITY ADMINISTRATION, SOVIET (Part of Azerbaijan) S-725 25 Rubles 1918 P-G Under Boshevik, Turkish & British Control all in 1918 15.75 15.50 15.25 -.-- S-731 10 Rubles 1918 P-G Seated Hermes - Two year Government (1918-20) 19.00 18.75 18.50 -.-- S-732 25 Rubles 1918 G-F Hermes & laborer - Two year Government (1918-20) 18.75 18.50 18.25 -.-- S-733 50 Rubles 1918 G-F Oil field, ship, anchor, cornucopia, gear wheel etc. 19.75 19.50 19.25 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| BANGLADESH 6Ca 2 Taka * 1988 UNC Monument / Magpie Robin Tiger Watermark 4.00 3.50 3.25 3.00 27a 20 Taka 1989 UNC Mosque / River scene 5.30 5.15 5.00 4.85 BARBADOS 29 1 Dollar * 1973 UNC S.J.Prescod-1st African descent in B'dos Parliament 1843 7.00 6.50 6.00 -.-- 32a 5 Dollars * 1975 F-VF Frank Worrell /Assembly buildings at Trafalgar Square 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 36 2 Dollars * 1986 AU J.R. Bovell with minimal waviness at the bottom/K. King Sign 7.00 6.50 -.-- -.-- 36 2 Dollars * 1986 UNC John Redman Bovell, agriculturist/B'dos Map in Watermark 8.50 8.00 8.00 -.-- BELARUS 1 50 Kapeek 1992 UNC Squirrel 0.25 0.18 0.15 -.-- 5 10 Rublei 1992 UNC Lynx / Knight 0.28 0.20 -.-- -.-- 7 50 Rublei 1992 UNC Bear / Knight 0.25 0.20 0.17 -.-- 8 100 Rublei 1992 UNC Bull / Knight 0.27 0.22 0.19 -.-- 25 50 Rublei 2000 UNC Holmski Gate / War memorial 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 26 100 Rublei 2000 UNC Bolshoi Theatre / Ballet (Vibranitsa) 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 27 500 Rublei 2000 UNC Cultural Palace / Portion of the facade 3.00 2.85 2.70 2.50 29 5000 Rublei 2000 UNC Minsk Sports Center/ Ski jumps 9.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 30 10000 Rublei 2001 UNC Vitebsk view / Amphitheatre 16.00 15.00 -.-- -.-- 31 20000 Rublei 2001 UNC Gomel palaces / Mountain palace 28.00 25.00 -.-- -.-- BELGIUM 86 1 Franc * 1915 G-F WWI Queen Louise Marie 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 86 1 Franc * 1917 G-F WWI Queen Louise Marie 21.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 86 1 Franc * 1918 G-F WWI Queen Louise Marie 20.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 92 1 Franc * 1920 G-F King Albert & Queen Elisabeth 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 92 1 Franc * 1920 AU+ King Albert & Queen Elisabeth 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 93 5 Francs * 1938 G-F King & Queen 22.00 19.00 15.00 -.-- 106 50 Francs * 1942 F+ With sheaf+2 horses / Cornucopia+ship 7.00 6.50 -.-- -.-- 106 50 Francs * 1943 F+ With sheaf+2 horses / Cornucopia+ship 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.00 106 50 Francs * 1944 F+ With sheaf+2 horses / Cornucopia+ship 9.50 9.00 8.00 -.-- 108 5 Francs * 1938 G-F King & Queen/Seated figure looking at Factory Scene 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 111 20 Francs 1941 P-G WWII King & Queen with TRESORERIE & THESAURIE OVPT 9.00 8.50 -.-- -.-- 121 5 Francs 1943 F-VF WWII Graphic design-Issued by the Government in Exile 5.40 5.20 5.00 4.60 122 10 Francs 1943 F-VF WWII Graphic design-Issued by the Government in Exile 6.40 6.20 6.00 5.60 123 100 Francs/20 Belgas 1943 F Queen Elisabeth & King Albert-Issued by the Government in Exile 9.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 134 100 Francs * 1962-74 F-VF Lambert Lombard / Allegorical figure 6.00 5.00 4.00 -.-- 142 100 Francs * 1995 F-VF Hendrik Bayaert with watermark King Baudouin I / artistic design 8.00 7.00 6.00 -.-- 148 200 Francs * 1995 VF Adolphe Sax with his invention - the saxophone 20.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- GOOD-FOR 25 Francs WWII USED P-G Ration Coupon for Coal - Measures Appr 6 x 4 CMS 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 GOOD-FOR One Bread WWII USED P-G Ration Coupon for Bread - Measures Appr 6 x 4 CMS 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 138 20 Francs * 1964 F King Baudouin I / Atomium Complex in Brussels / King Watermark 3.75 3.50 -.-- -.-- 138 20 Francs * 1964 XF King Baudouin I / Atomium Complex in Brussels / King Watermark 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 139 50 Francs 1966 G-F King & Queen/ Brussels Parliament building 3.75 3.65 3.45 -.-- 139 50 Francs 1966 F-VF King & Queen/ Brussels Parliament building 4.75 4.65 4.45 -.-- 139 50 Francs * 1966 UNC King & Queen/ Brussels Parliament building 8.75 8.65 8.45 -.-- 142 100 Francs * 1986-94 F-VF Hendrik Beyaert / Geometric design 11.75 11.65 11.45 -.-- 147 100 Francs * 1995-2001 F-VF Last Pre-Euro with James Ensor-Painter/ Beach scene 8.75 8.65 8.00 -.-- BELGIAN-FRANCE RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION in OCCUPIED GERMAN TERRITORY (WWI) R1 .05 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 17.00 16.50 -.-- -.-- R2 .10 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- R3 .25 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- R5 1 Franc 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- BELIZE 43 1 Dollar * 1983 UNC Queen Elizabeth II / Central Bank 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 46 1 Dollar * 1986 G Queen Elizabeth II / Central Bank 6.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 51 1 Dollar * 1990 F+ Queen Elizabeth II + Lobster / Aquatic scene 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- BERMUDA 23 1 Dollar * 1970 VF+ Young Queen Elizabeth II & Bermuda Petrel bird / Sloop 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 40Ab 2 Dollars * 1997 XF-AU QEII & seahorse/ Island map & Hamilton boat scene 13.00 11.50 -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| BHUTAN 5 1 Ngultrum 1981 UNC Royal emblem between dragons/Dzong 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 16a 20 Ngultrum 2000 UNC Father Wangchuk / Punkha Dzong 3.50 3.20 3.00 2.80 22 10 Ngultrum 2000 UNC Royal Emblem & King Wangchuk 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 23 20 Ngultrum 2000 UNC Royal Portait 3.25 3.00 2.50 -.-- 24 50 Ngultrum 2000 UNC King Wangchuk Snr/Tongsa Dzong 7.75 7.65 7.55 -.-- 32 100 Ngultrum * 2006 VF King Dorji Wangchuk & Tashichiho Palace 3.25 3.00 2.50 -.-- BIAFRA 4 10 Shillings * 1968-69 UNC Palm Tree w/ Rising Sun / Buildings at Right 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 5a 1 Pound * 1969 UNC Palm tree / coat of arms 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 BOLIVIA 112 1 Boliviano * 1929 G-F Overprinted from National to Central Bank with Winged Hermes 3.75 3.55 3.35 3.05 128A 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing - Without Emission Signature 1 3.50 3.20 3.00 2.80 128A 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing - Without Emission Signature 2 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 128A 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing - Without Emission Signature 3 8.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 128A 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing - Without Emission Signature 4 4.25 4.00 3.50 -.-- 128A 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing - Without Emission Signature 5 7.50 7.00 -.-- -.- 128 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 128 1 Boliviano * 1928 Fine Simon Bolivar / Country Arms / Waterlow & Sons Printing 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 120 5 Bolivianos * 1928 F-VF Simon Bolivar / Potosi & Silver Mountain / American Bank Note Co. 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00 121 10 Bolivianos * 1928 F-VF Simon Bolivar / Potosi & Silver Mountain / American Bank Note Co. 7.00 6.75 6.50 6.00 122 20 Bolivianos * 1928 F-VF Simon Bolivar / Potosi & Silver Mountain / American Bank Note Co. 9.00 8.75 8.50 8.00 133 100 Bolivianos * 1928 F-VF Simon Bolivar & Mountain scene/Printed by Waterlow & Sons 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 138d 5 Bolivianos 1945 UNC No Signature 5.50 4.75 4.25 -.-- 140 20 Bolivianos 1945 UNC S.Bolivar / Casa de Moneda 4.50 4.30 4.00 -.-- 162 50 Bolivianos * 1962 UNC ZY Prefix REPLACEMENT 14.00 13.00 12.00 10.00 165a 500 Pesos Bolivianos 1982 AU Eduardo Avaroa/ Puerto de Antofagasta 7.00 6.00 -.-- -.-- 167a 1,000 Pesos Bolivianos 1982 UNC Juana de Padilla / Mansion 3.25 2.50 2.25 1.95 197 10c/100,000 Pesos Bolivianos 1987 UNC Mercury head-10 Centavos overprinted on 100,000 P 2.75 2.50 2.40 2.30 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 8h 1,000 Dinara * 1992 F Peace Dove 3.75 3.00 2.50 -.-- 13 100 Dinara * 1992 XF-AU Crowned Arms / Diamond Watermark 3.25 3.00 -.-- -.-- 15 1000 Dinara * 1992 UNC Stone Bridge at Mostar 3.00 2.50 -.-- -.-- 48b 200 Dinara 1992 UNC Novcani Bon Issue - Novi Travnik - weak handstamp 11.00 10.00 9.00 -.-- 50a 1,000 Dinara 1992 AU Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 6.50 6.25 6.00 -.-- 50b 1,000 Dinara 1992 AU Novcani Bon Issue - Novi Travnik - weak handstamp 9.50 9.25 8.75 -.-- 50c 1,000 Dinara 1992 AU Novcani Bon Issue - Vitez - weak handstamp 12.00 11.00 -.-- -.-- 50c 1,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF Novcani Bon Issue - Vitez - weak handstamp 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 51a 5,000 Dinara 1992 AU Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 30.00 27.00 -.-- -.-- 51a 5,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 9.75 9.50 9.25 8.75 51b 5,000 Dinara 1992 AU RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Novi Travnik - weak handstamp 15.50 14.75 -.-- -.-- 51b 5,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Novi Travnik - weak handstamp 13.50 13.00 12.00 -.-- 51c 5,000 Dinara 1992 AU RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Vitez - weak handstamp 25.00 24.00 23.00 -.-- 51c 5,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Vitez - weak handstamp 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 52a 10,000 Dinara 1992 AU Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 8.50 8.00 -.-- -.-- 52a 10,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 4.50 4.00 3.50 -.-- 52Aa 20,000 Dinara 1992 AU RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 52Aa 20,000 Dinara 1992 VF-XF RARE - Novcani Bon Issue - Travnik - weak handstamp 15.00 13.00 11.00 -.-- BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA / BANJA LUKA (SERBIAN REPUBLIC OF BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA) 133 10 Dinara 1992 UNC Very first banknote with symbols 2.25 1.55 1.20 1.05 BOTSWANA 29b 100 Pula * 2005 UNC 3 Chiefs / Woman with braided hair sorting diamonds 40.00 35.00 -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| BRAZIL 110b 1000 Reis * 1923 F Salles in center, hand signed, re-issuedd in WW2 as 1 Cruzeiro 16.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 132 1 Cruzeiro * 1944 F Marques de Tamandare, Hand Signed / Naval School 2.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 132 1 Cruzeiro * 1944 UNC Marques de Tamandare, Hand Signed / Naval School 4.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 150a 1 Cruzeiro * 1954-58 UNC Marques de Tamandare / Naval School 3.00 2.50 2.25 2.00 150b 1 Cruzeiro * 1954-58 UNC Marques de Tamandare / Naval School 1.75 1.30 1.25 1.20 150c 1 Cruzeiro * 1954-58 XF-AU Marques de Tamandare / Naval School 1.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 150c 1 Cruzeiro * 1954-58 UNC Marques de Tamandare / Naval School 1.75 1.30 1.25 1.20 151b 2 Cruzeiros 1958 UNC D. De Caixas/Military School 1.85 1.75 1.65 1.55 161c 50 Cruzeiros * 1954-61 UNC Princess Isabel / Allegory of Lei Aurea (Abolish Slavery) 40.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 166a 5 Cruzeiros 1961 UNC Raft+Male/Flower, Signature 8 2.60 2.50 2.35 -.-- 166b 5 Cruzeiros 1961 UNC Raft+Male/Flower, Signature 10 1.90 1.70 1.55 1.45 176a 5 Cruzeiros * 1962 UNC Baron of Rio Branco/Conquest of Amazonas 1.50 1.30 1.20 1.10 176d 5 Cruzeiros * 1964 UNC Baron of Rio Branco/Conquest of Amazonas 1.50 1.30 1.20 1.10 183a 1 Centavos/10 Cruzeiros 1967 UNC ERROR misspelled MINSTRO-Vargas/Industry 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.20 184b 5 Centavos/50 Cruzeiros * 1966-67 AU Princess Isabel / Allegory of Lei Aurea (Abolish Slavery) 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 185a 10 Cent on 100 Cruzeiros 1967 AU ERROR misspelled MINSTRO Dom Pedro / American Bank Note 3.25 3.00 2.85 2.75 185b 10 Cent on 100 Cruzeiros 1967 UNC Dom Pedro / American Bank Note - National Culture 3.25 3.15 3.10 3.00 187b 1 Cruzeiro Novo/1000 Cruz * 1966-67 XF Pedro Alvares Cabral / Scene at First Mass 2.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 191Ab 1 Cruzeiro * 1975 UNC Liberty Head / Central Bank Liberty Head Watermark 1.00 0.75 -.-- -.-- 191Ac 1 Cruzeiro * 1980 UNC Liberty Head / Central Bank Liberty Head Watermark 1.00 0.90 0.85 0.80 198 100 Cruzeiros * 1981-84 AU Duque de Caxias / Battle Scene w/ Sword down center 0.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 199 200 Cruzeiros * 1981-84 AU Princess Isabel / Women cooking outdoors 0.85 -.-- -.-- -.-- 200 500 Cruzeiros * 1981-85 XF D. de Fonseca / Group of Legislators 0.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 210 50 Cruzados * 1986 AU O. Cruz w/ Microscope / Cruz Institute -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- 211 100 Cruzados * 1986-87 XF-AU President J. Kubitschek / Old & Modern Buildings -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- 216 1 Cruzado Novo/1000 Cruzados * 1989 UNC J. Machado / Street Scene Old Rio de Janeiro 1.00 0.90 0.85 -.-- 223 50 Cruzeiros/50 Cruzados Novo * 1990 UNC C. Drummond de Andrade / Andrade writing Poetry 1.35 1.30 1.25 -.-- 231b 1000 Cruzeiros * 1990-91 UNC C. Rondon / Native children & local Amazonian foods 1.55 1.30 1.05 0.75 233c 10000 Cruzeiros * 1993 UNC Vital Brazil, Extracting Snake Venom / Snakes 3.85 3.45 3.20 3.00 234 50000 Cruzeiros 1992 UNC C. Cascudo / Folklore Dancers 2.00 1.70 1.55 -.-- 243b 1 Real 1994 UNC Bust/Hummingbird - WITHOUT In God We Trust 60.00 59.00 55.00 -.-- 247 100 Reias * 1994 UNC Bust / Caroupa Fish - WITHOUT In God We Trust 85.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 249a 2 Reais * 2001 UNC Tartaruga Marinha Turtle (Sea Turtle) 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- BRUNEI 6c 1 Ringgit 1985 UNC Sultan / Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque 9.90 9.80 9.70 -.-- 13b 1 Ringgit 1994 UNC Sultan / Aerial View Bandar S.B. 11.40 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| BULGARIA 71 500 Leva * 1945 F+ Coat of Arms / End of WWII 7.00 6.75 6.50 -.-- 71 500 Leva * 1945 VF Coat of Arms / End of WWII 9.00 8.75 8.50 -.-- 72 1000 Leva * 1945 F+ Coat of Arms / End of WWII 11.00 10.75 -.-- -.-- 72 1000 Leva * 1945 VF Coat of Arms / End of WWII 14.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 77 500 Leva 1946 XF with spots Women field workers on the back 13.50 13.00 12.00 -.-- 81-6 3,5,10,25,50,100 & 200 Leva * 1951 AU-UNC Set of 7 Notes / Low Vals=Hammer & Sickle + Hi Vals=Dimitrov 15.00 14.00 12.50 11.50 96a 10 Leva * 1974 UNC G. Dimitrov / Factory Harmer & Sickle Watermark 1.35 -.-- -.-- -.-- 98a 50 Leva * 1974 AU G. Dimitrov / Factory Harmer & Sickle Watermark 1.55 1.25 -.-- -.-- 101 50 Leva * 1992 UNC Kristo G Danov/Platen Printing press Lion watermark 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.30 BURMA (later called Myanmar, and listed as such) 47 5 Kyats 1958 AU+ Gen' Aung Sang & Wman weaving (Staple holes) 4.50 4.25 -.-- -.-- 59 25 Kyats 1972 Fine+ General Aung Sang / Mythical winged critter 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.15 65 75 Kyats 1985 Fine Gen.Aung/Dancer 2.50 1.75 1.35 1.25 BURMA - Japanese Invasion Money 15b 5 Rupees 1942-44 XF-AU Pagoda - Japanese Invasion 1.85 1.80 1.75 -.-- 16a 10 Rupees * 1942-44 XF-AU Japanese Invasion on Watermarked paper, no threads 5.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 16b 10 Rupees * 1942-44 XF-AU Japanese Invasion no watermark, but Silk Threads 4.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 17b 100 Rupees 1942-44 XF-AU Pagoda - Japanese Invasion 3.25 3.10 2.90 2.70 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| BURUNDI 33b 10 Francs 1986 UNC Map of Burundi 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.00 33b 10 Francs 1989 UNC Map of Burundi 1.85 1.40 1.15 0.90 27c 20 Francs 1991 UNC Dancers 2.25 2.15 2.00 1.85 29c 100 Francs 1993 UNC Prince Rwagasore 3.35 3.00 2.80 2.40 38a 500 Francs 1995 UNC From the hidden cached horde 3.90 3.80 3.70 3.60 CAMBODIA 5d 20 Riels * 1972 AU-UNC Wavy with Farming machinery / Olden comlex 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.50 7d 50 Riels 1972 UNC Fisherman & netted boats/Buddha watermark, Angkor Wat 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.85 17 1000 Riels * 1973 AU-UNC Classroom Scene with smiling girl / stone statue head 4.00 3.70 3.30 2.70 32a 50 Riels 1979 UNC Bayon stone head /Angkor Wat ruins 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 P41b 100 Riels 1998 UNC Independence (France) monument/Rubber tree worker 3.00 2.00 1.50 1.30 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| CAMEROUN 15d 500 Francs 1983 XF+ Woman with headdress, mask & workers 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- CANADA 9b 25 Cents * 1900 G-F Boville Signature / Britannia Seated w/ Trident 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 11b 25 Cents * 1923 G-F McCavour/Saunders Signatures / 1/2 body Britannia w/Trident 12.50 12.00 10.00 -.-- 11c 25 Cents * 1923 G-F Campbell/Clark Signatures / 1/2 body Britannia w/Trident 17.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 58d 1 Dollar * 1937 F-VF King George VI Portrait - Signed Gordon & Towers 17.00 16.50 16.00 15.50 58e 1 Dollar 1937 F-VF King George VI Portrait - Signed Coyne & Towers 14.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 76 2 Dollars * 1954 F-VF QEII (not Devils Head) Mixed signatures 5.50 5.00 4.50 -.-- 84b 1 Dollar 1967 UNC Centennial issue with Serial #'s 8.00 7.00 6.75 6.50 85 1 Dollar * 1973 F-VF Queen Elizabeth II - Boats in logging river 4.50 4.00 3.50 2.75 94b 2 Dollars 1986 UNC Q.E.II/Pair of Robins 9.00 8.75 8.50 -.-- CANADIAN TIRE 5 Cents * 2008 VF Mustached Highlander with Tam (Hat) Green in French & English 3.50 3.25 -.-- -.-- 10 Cents * 2014 VF Mustached Highlander with Tam (Hat) Redin French & English 3.90 3.65 -.-- -.-- 25 Cents * 1996 VF Mustached Highlander with Tam (Hat) Purple in French & English 5.50 5.25 -.-- -.-- CAPE VERDE 63 200 Escudos * 1992 F++ Sailing vessel / Lighthouse & radar tower 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- CAYMAN ISLANDS 1b 1 Dollar 1971 UNC QEII with tiara/Reef scene with queen angelfish 35.00 34.00 33.00 -.-- 5B 1 Dollar 1974(85)UNC Youthful portrait of Q. E. II / Fish & reef scene 17.50 16.25 15.50 -.-- 38 1 Dollar 2014 UNC Last Portrait of QEII with Queen (appropriate) Angel Fish 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC 14c 500 Francs * 1987 UNC Statue & vase/Native artisan & mask 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 CEYLON 43a 10 Cents * 1942 F+ King George VI / Small WWI note with # only on back -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- 43b 10 Cents * 1949 F+ King George VI / Small WWI note with # only on back 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| CHERIFIEN EMPIRE 41 50 Centimes 1944 F-VF WWII Emergency Issue Small cardboard note 12.00 10.00 -.-- -.-- CHILE 119 5 Pesos (or 1/2 Condor) 1958-9 UNC O'Higgins Portrait 2.50 2.20 2.10 -.-- 120 10 Pesos (or 1 Condor) 1958-9 UNC Bulnes Portrait 6.75 6.25 6.00 -.-- 126 50 Pesos / 5 Centesimos 1961 UNC Anibal Pinto - Watermark Portales 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 136 1 Escudo 1964 UNC Arturo Prat/Founding of Santiago 2.00 1.65 -.-- -.-- 141 100 Escudos * 1962-75 XF-AU Manuel Cardenas Coffee King & Politician/Sailing Vessels 4.00 3.50 3.40 3.30 145 500 Escudos * 1971 UNC Miner/Strip Mining; Commemorative Nationalization of Copper 18.00 14.00 -.-- -.-- CHINA 80 5 Yuan * 1938 VF New Bank of China Bank Bulding 8.75 8.50 8.25 8.00 85 10 Yuan * 1940 F-VF Bank of China 5.25 5.00 4.75 -.-- 117o 5 Yuan * 1914 VF Bank of Communications, Bank & Locomotive 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 118o 10 Yuan * 1914 VF Bank of Communications Shanghai w/ Bank & Ship 24.00 23.00 22.00 21.00 214 10 Yuan * 1936 G-F Sun Yat-Sen / Gate Behind Garden 2.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 218a 10 Yuan 1936 VF Sun Yat-Sen 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.25 224a 1 Fen=1 Cent * 1939 XF Central Bank with pagoda high rise/coin 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 225a 5 Cents * 1939 AU+ Chinese Coin / Pagoda 5.50 5.00 4.75 4.50 226a 1 Chiao/10 Cents * 1940 XF-AU Sun Yat Sen / Double (Chinese/Englsih)Denominated Note 8.75 8.50 8.25 8.00 228 10 Yuan * 1940 XF Central Bank of China 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 326d 5 Customs Gold Units * 1930 F Sun Yat-Sen / Bank building 4.40 -.-- -.-- -.-- 327d 10 Customs Gold Units 1930 F Sun Yat Sen 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 328 20 Customs Gold Units 1930 F Sun Yat Sen 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 417a 10,000 Gold Yuan * 1949 F-VF Central Bank issue with Chiang Kai Shek portrait 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 877d 1 Jiao 1962 UNC Farmers, construction workers etc. 3.35 3.00 2.80 2.40 884g 1 Yuan * 1996 UNC 2 ethnic Chinese women / Great Wall of China 1.20 0.90 -.-- -.-- 895a 1 RMB Yuan * 1999 UNC Mao Zedong & 3 Ponds reflecting the Moon 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 901 100 RMB Yuan * 1999 UNC Chaiman Mao Zedong / Hall of the Chinese People 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- J48 10 Fen * 1938 VF Federal Reserve Bank (Puppet issue) - Temple 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- J72 1 Yuan * 1941 G+ Puppet Bank (Japanese Occupation/Manchukuo) 8.25 8.00 7.75 -.-- J74a 10 Yuan * 1941 P-G Puppet Issue (Japanese Occupation) Printed by NCGA 7.75 7.00 6.25 -.-- J91 1000 Yuan * 1945 G-F Large format Great Wall of China 33.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- M7a 1 Sen * 1939 F-VF Small brown note with dragon, 7 character title 4.25 4.00 3.75 -.-- M8 1 Sen * 1940 F-VF Small brown note with dragon, 11 character title 4.25 4.00 3.75 -.-- M18a 50 Sen * 1939-40 P Japanese Military Payment Certificates, Dragons, from Shipwreck 3.35 3.00 2.80 2.60 M20a 10 Yuan * 1939-40 P Japanese MPC for troops in China with Dragons from Shipwreck 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 FX1a 10 Fen * 1979 F Waterfalls 3.50 3.00 2.75 -.-- FX1a 10 Fen 1979 UNC Waterfalls 6.75 6.25 6.00 5.75 S1655 1 Cent * 1940 UNC Amoy Industrial Bank 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 S2403 10 Dollars * 1918 F-VF Kwangtung Provincial Bank 23.00 22.00 -.-- -.-- S2425b 1 Dollar (Local) * 1931 XF Printed by American Bank Note, Kwangtung Provincial, punch cancel 25.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 Liberty Bond - 10 Yuan of 1937, Uncancelled with 31 coupons & 2 Guilloches, high grade condition 80.00 70.00 68.00 66.00 COLOMBIA 406f 5 Pesos Oro 1980 UNC JM Cordoba & giant Condor bird/Cartagena fortress 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- 407g 10 Pesos 1980 UNC Gen.Narino/San Agustin Statues, No Series shown 2.50 2.20 2.10 -.-- 407h 10 Pesos 1980 UNC Series AZ Shown Gen.Narino/San Agustin Statues 2.00 1.80 1.60 -.-- 426b 100 Pesos 1985 UNC Narino & mircroprinting/Villa & printing press 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 COMOROS 10a 500 Francs (Sign I) 1986 XF+ Woman with headdress/Outrigger 13.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 10a 500 Francs (Sign II) 1986 UNC Woman with headdress/Outrigger, 2 women, palm trees 17.00 16.50 16.00 -.-- 10b 500 Francs 1986 UNC Woman with headdress / Outrigger, offset 28.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| CONFEDERATE STATES of AMERICA (1861 - 1865) 64 50 Cents * 1864 F (last year of issue) Jefferson Davis (Uniface) 55.00 53.00 52.00 51.00 65 1 Dollar * 1864 F+ (last year of issue) Clement C. Clay (Uniface) 85.00 83.00 82.00 81.00 66 2 Dollars * 1864 F+ (last year of issue) Judah P. Benjamin, 1st Jewish Senator 85.00 83.00 82.00 81.00 67 5 Dollars * 1864 F+ (last year of issue) C. G. Memminger, German-American 63.00 61.00 60.00 59.00 68 10 Dollars * 1864 F-VF (last year of issue) Horses pulling Cannon & RMT Hunter 63.00 61.00 60.00 59.00 69 20 Dollars * 1864 F-VF (last year of issue) Nashville TN Capital & AH Stephens VP 65.00 63.00 62.00 61.00 70 50 Dollars * 1864 VF (last year of issue) President Jefferson Davis 110.00 105.00 104.00 103.00 $30 Denominated Bond Coupon ($1000 certificate) Signed R.O.Tyler & hand numbered. George Washington on horseback 5.00 4.75 4.65 4.55 CONGO (former Zaire) 81 5 Centimes 1997 UNC Suku masks/Zande harp 2.15 1.90 1.65 1.40 82 10 Centimes 1997 UNC Pende mask/dancers 2.15 1.90 1.65 1.40 CONGO REPUBLIC 8 500 Francs 1985 UNC Statue & vase/Native artisan & mask 8.50 7.75 7.35 6.85 COOK ISLANDS 3 3 Dollars 1992 UNC Naked Ina/God,canoe 8.00 7.75 7.50 -.-- CORFU - SEE GREECE |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| COSTA RICA 236d 5 Colones 1989 UNC R.Y.Castro+Orchid/coffee+harbor scene 4.00 3.00 2.50 2.30 236d 5 Colones 1989 AU R.Y.Castro+Orchid/coffee+harbor scene 3.00 2.45 2.10 1.90 261 100 Colones 1993 UNC R.Jimenez/Supreme Court 2.95 2.60 2.10 2.15 CROATIA 2 100 Kuna 1941 F Independent State of Croatia under Nazi influence 8.75 8.50 8.25 8.00 4 1,000 Kuna 1941 F-VF Independent State of Croatia under Nazi influence 8.25 8.00 7.50 7.00 13 5,000 Kuna 1943 F Croatia State Bank under Nazi influence-Women-native costume 6.50 6.25 5.75 -.-- 14 5,000 Kuna 1943 F-VF+ Croatia State Bank under Nazi influence-Woman native outfit 9.50 9.25 9.00 -.-- 16a 1 Dinar 1991 UNC R.Boskovic / Zagreb Cathedral 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 16a 1 Dinar 1991 UNC R.Boskovic / Zagreb Cathedral per thousand (1,000) pieces = $89.95 17 5 Dinar 1991 UNC R.Boskovic / Zagreb Cathedral 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 18 10 Dinar 1991 UNC R.Boskovic / Zagreb Cathedral 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 R24 5 Million Dinara 1993 UNC Super high denomination (5,000,000) from break-away, Krajina 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.60 R25 100 Million Dinara 1993 UNC Super high denomination (100,000,000) from break-away, Krajina 4.25 3.70 3.40 3.00 Store Coupon (Robni) from end of Communism era 1990 UNC Blue, with serial numbers for 500 Dinara 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 Store Coupon (Verazdin Silk Company) from end of Communism era 1990 UNC Blue, with serial numbers for 5 Dinara 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 Store Coupon (Verazdin Silk Company) from end of Communism era 1990 UNC Blue, with serial numbers for 10 Dinara 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 Store Coupon (Verazdin Silk Company) from end of Communism era 1990 UNC Blue, with serial numbers for 50 Dinara 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 Store Coupon set of 3(Verazdin Silk Company) UNC with serial numbers for 5, 10 & 50 Dinara 2.00 1.60 1.40 1.20 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| CURACAO 35 1 Gulden * 1942 G WWII Issue & Seated winged helmeted Mercury with caduceus 30.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- CYPRUS 42 500 Mils * 1970's F+ With Map and coat of arms/ mountains ^ tree scene 12.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 52 50 Cents 1989 UNC Seated woman / Dam 17.50 17.25 17.00 -.-- 52 50 Cents 1989 XF+ Seated woman / Dam 15.00 14.00 13.50 -.-- 52 50 Cents 1989 XF+ ERROR (blade flaw) dashed line above serial 25.00 24.00 23.50 -.-- CZECHOSLOVAKIA 91 100 Korun * 1961 F-VF Farming couple & Industry / Charles Bridge in Prague 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- CZECH REPUBLIC 10a 20 Korun 1994 UNC King Otakar I / Filament slightly to the right of Center 15.00 14.00 13.00 -.-- 10b 20 Korun 1995 UNC King Otakar I / Filament to the Left of Center 33.00 32.75 32.50 -.-- DDR (see Germany, Democratic Rep.) DENMARK M8 10 Ore * 1947-58 F+ Danish Brigade (Small note) 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 30J-H 5 Kroner * 1942 F-VF WWII - Landscape with stone age burial site 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 36 10 Kroner * 1944 F-VF WWII - Stylized design with Coat of Arms on the reverse 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 1 Mark German Notgeld BROACKER (BROAGER) Danish Plebiscite of 1919 with gold trim, national flag, soldier UNC 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 25 Pfennig German Notgeld NEUSTADT (HOLSTEIN) Danish Plebiscite - German & Danish flags Serially numbered, UNC 3.50 3.30 2.90 2.70 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 126a 1 Peso Oro 1984 UNC J.P.Duarte / Sugar Refinery 3.75 3.50 3.00 --.- 126a 1 Peso Oro 1988 UNC J.P.Duarte / Sugar Refinery 4.00 3.50 3.20 2.85 85a 10 Centavos Oro 1961 AU-UNC American Bank Note Company 6.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 86s 10 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN/regular numbers-Reserve Bank building 8.50 8.25 8.00 7.50 86s 10 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN SHEET OF 2 /regular numbers-Bank building 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- 87a 25 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC American Bank Note Company-Central Bank 9.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 88s 25 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN/regular numbers-Central Bank building 9.25 9.00 8.50 7.75 88s 25 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN SHEET OF 2 /regular numbers-Bank building 25.00 22.00 -.-- -.-- 89a 50 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC American Bank Note Company / National Palace 10.00 9.50 -.-- -.-- 90s 50 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN/regular numbers-National Palace 10.00 9.50 8.75 -.-- 90s 50 Centavos Oro 1961 UNC SPECIMEN SHEET OF 2/regular numbers-National Palace 30.00 27.00 -.-- -.-- EAST CARIBBEAN 13a 1 Dollar * 1965 G Young Queen Elizabeth II listing all Islands without Grenada 11.25 11.00 -.-- -.-- 13e 1 Dollar * 1965 G Young Queen Elizabeth II listing all Islands without Barbados 10.00 9.00 -.-- -.-- 18m 5 Dollars 1986 UNC MONTSERRAT - Queen Elizabeth II / Coastline 22.00 21.50 20.00 -.-- 31a 5 Dollars 1994 UNC ANTIGUA-QEII with turtle/hummingbird/Trafalgar falls 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 23L1 10 Dollars 1988 AU ST. LUCIA-QEII,Windsurfer, UNC with center fold 55.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- EASTPORT Eastport Maine 50 cents 1935 F-VF Depression Scrip with Moose & Punch cancelled 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| ECUADOR 108b 5 Sucres 1983 UNC A.J. De Sucre / New Coat of Arms 3.75 3.55 3.35 3.10 121 10 Sucres 1988 UNC de Benalcazar / Arms 3.80 3.75 3.55 -.-- 121A 20 Sucres 1988 UNC Church 4.75 4.40 4.10 -.-- EGYPT 57c 25 Piastres 1999 UNC Al Saida Aisha mosque / Coat of Arms 1.25 0.85 0.70 0.65 62 50 Piastres 1999 UNC Al Azhar mosque / Ramses II wall design Sign 19 3.20 2.85 2.50 2.30 182g 5 Piastres 1978 UNC Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton A.Loufty sign. 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.20 182j 5 Piastres 1982 UNC Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton S.Hamed sign. 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 185 5 Piastres 1996 UNC Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton ElGhareeb sign. 0.85 0.75 0.65 0.55 188 5 Piastres 1997 UNC Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton ElGhareeb sign. 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.45 189 10 Piastres 1997 UNC Sphinx + pyramids 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.45 EGYPT TELEPHONE CARDS (PLASTIC) Ramses Sphinx Stone Head, the most famous sphinx, all in high grade condition, multicolor 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 Abu Simbel seated statue, the site of this treasure is now underwater, multicolor 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 ABU SIMBEL / TUTANKAMEN-NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR-EGYPTIAN PAVILION ENTRY TICKET (State of NY colors with photo) 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.15 EL SALVADOR 116b 2 Colones * 1974 AU Christopher Columbus (Colon in Spanish) 24.00 23.00 22.00 -.-- 125B 1 Colon 1980 UNC Salvador uses only the US Dollar today 12.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 133A 1 Colon 1982 UNC Salvador uses only the US Dollar today 12.00 11.00 10.50 10.00 ENGLAND (see Great Britain) |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| EQUATORIAL GUINEA 20 500 Francs 1985 XF Statue & vase/Native artisan & mask, with bend from wrap-strap 17.00 15.50 14.50 14.00 ERITREA 1 1 Nakfa 1997 UNC Designed by BEP, 3 girls / Kids in country school 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 ESTONIA 69a 1 Kroon 1992 AU First banknote of the independent nation (Pre-Euro) 2.00 1.80 1.70 -.-- ETHIOPIA 6 2 Thalers 1933 F-VF Emperor Hailie Selassie & Empress 87.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 29a 100 Dollars 1966 XF-AU Emp. H. Selassie & Bet Giorgis rock church 75.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 41b 1 Birr * 1977 AU Smiling child, long horn cattle & map / waterfalls 2.00 1.80 1.70 -.-- FIJI 89 1 Dollar 1993 UNC Q.E.II / fruit market + cruise ship 6.75 6.65 6.55 -.-- 90 2 Dollars 1995 UNC Q.E.II / Harvesting Sugar Cane 15.75 15.65 -.-- -.-- FINLAND 98a 1 Markaa 1963 UNC Wheat ears/arms 4.70 4.50 4.30 -.-- 106A 5 Markaa 1963 UNC Blue color plant design 8.20 8.05 7.95 -.-- 106A 5 Markaa 1963 XF Blue color plant design 5.20 5.05 4.95 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| FRANCE A53/68 10 Sous 1792-3 VF-XF French Revolutionary Assignats - 2 Women with Liberty Cap 15.25 14.65 14.20 13.80 A53/68 10 Sous 1792-3 G-F French Revolutionary Assignats - 2 Women with Liberty Cap 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.50 A54/69 15 Sols 1792-3 VF-XF. French Revolutionary Assignats - 2 Women with Liberty Cap 15.25 14.65 14.20 13.80 A54/69 15 Sols 1792-3 G-F French Revolutionary Assignats - 2 Women with Liberty Cap 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.50 A55 25 Sols 1792 VF-XF French Revolutionary Assignats - All Seeing Eye, Liberty Cock 13.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 A55 25 Sols 1792 F-VF French Revolutionary Assignats - All Seeing Eye, Liberty Cock 8.25 7.75 7.00 6.75 A56/70 50 Sols 1792-3 VF-XF French Revolutionary Assignats-2 Women Literature & Justice 15.25 14.65 14.20 13.80 A56/70 50 Sols 1792-3 G-F French Revolutionary Assignats-2 Women Literature & Justice 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.50 A42/49/50 5 Livres 1791 VF-XF French Royal Assignats Embossed, Louis XVI wording 13.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 A57/60/61 5 Livres 1792 VF-XF French Royal Assignats Embossed, Louis XVI wording 15.50 15.00 14.50 -.-- A76 5 Livres 1793 VF-XF French Revolutionary Assignats 2 Embossings Different Signers 12.50 12.00 -.-- -.-- A51/66 10 Livres 1791-2 F-VF French Revolutionary Assignats (based on confiscated lands) 15.25 14.65 14.20 13.80 A51/66 10 Livres 1791-2 G-F French Revolutionary Assignats (based on confiscated lands) 8.50 8.00 -.-- -.-- A67/71 25 Livres 1792-3 F-VF French Revolutionary Assignats (based on confiscated lands) 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 A72 50 Livres 1792 F-VF Revolution Assignat Large format (7.5 x 4.5") with Female figure 35.00 34.00 33.00 -.-- UNL Various Sums * 1914-18 F-VF WWI Bank of France War Gold Exchange for Notes, Aprx 8.5 x 5" 30.00 29.00 -.-- -.-- 100 Francs 1930 VF MONTPELLIER CHAMBRE de COMMERCE - Stunning design 45.00 43.00 -.-- -.-- 83 5 Francs 1940 G-F WWII issue - Woman with Helmet 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 84 10 Francs 1940 G-F WWII issue - Minerva & Woman farmer 6.00 5.00 -.-- -.-- 84 10 Francs 1941 G-F WWII issue - Minerva & Woman farmer 6.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 92 20 Francs 1940-2 Poor WWII issue - Science & Labor 9.00 8.00 -.-- -.-- 93 50 Francs * 1940-2 G-F WWII issue - Jacques Coeur / Bourges & Woman 11.00 10.00 -.-- -.-- 94 100 Francs * 1939-2 G-F WWII issue - Large format Woman, child & Paris scene 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 98a 5 Francs 1943 Fine WWII issue - Pyrenees shepherd + woman with flowers 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 99 10 Francs 1942 Fine WWII issue - Miners and farm woman with child 7.00 6.00 -.-- -.-- 99 10 Francs 1944 Fine WWII issue - Miners and farm woman with child 5.00 4.00 -.-- -.-- 100 20 Francs 1942 G-F WWII issue - Fisherman & Women in native dress 8.00 7.00 -.-- -.-- 100 20 Francs 1943 G-F WWII issue - Fisherman & Women in native dress 7.00 6.00 -.-- -.-- 114a 2 Francs 1944 Fine Allied Military Currency with French flag 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 114a 2 Francs 1944 VF-XF Allied Military Currency with French flag 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 114b 2 Francs 1944 Fine Allied MC with French flag - Print Block # 2 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 114b 2 Francs 1944 VF-XF Allied MC with French flag - Print Block # 2 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 115a 5 Francs 1944 Fine Allied Military Currency with French flag 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 115a 5 Francs 1944 VF-XF Allied Military Currency with French flag 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 115b 5 Francs 1944 Fine Allied MC with French flag - Print Block # 2 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 115b 5 Francs 1944 VF-XF Allied MC with French flag - Print Block # 2 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 116a 10 Francs 1944 Fine Allied Military Currency with French flag 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 116a 10 Francs 1944 VF-XF Allied Military Currency with French flag 10.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 117 50 Francs 1944 F-VF Allied Military Currency with French flag, 1st Issue 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 118 100 Francs 1944 F-VF Allied Military Currency with French flag, 1st Issue 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 128 100 Francs * 1945-54 F-VF Farmer & Oxen / Woman at dock 4.25 4.00 -.-- -.-- 130 1000 Francs * 1945-50 G-F Minerva & Hercules 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 147 10 Francs * 1963-73 F-VF Voltaire & the Tuileries / Chateau de Cirey 7.50 7.00 -.-- -.-- 151c 20 Francs 1989 XF-AU Composer Claude Debussy, Last Pre-Euro 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 157A 50 Francs * 1994-7 G-F Petit Prince author St Exupery, Airplane, map etc 9.50 9.00 -.-- -.-- 157A 50 Francs 1994-7 VF+ Petit Prince author St Exupery, Airplane, map etc 15.00 14.00 -.-- -.-- SB 332 1 Franc 1944 AU-UNC WWII VICHY BON de SOLIDARITE, MARSHAL PETAIN & PERF STUB 14.50 14.00 13.50 13.00 151d 20 Francs 1990 UNC Claude Debussy / 1st Issue with Security thread 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- 0 M7 10 Francs * 1947 Fine MILITARY POST WWII - Woman's head / farming scene 12.00 11.50 -.-- -.-- TEST NOTE ECHANTILLON XF Used to test color recognition, how the paper handles, eye appeal etc. 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 FRANCE-BELGIAN RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION in OCCUPIED GERMAN TERRITORY (WWI) R1 .05 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 17.00 16.50 -.-- -.-- R2 .10 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- R3 .25 Francs 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- R5 1 Franc 1923 G-F Locomotive & the Rhine landscape/ Neptune 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- FRENCH INDO CHINA 85c 10 Cents 1939 G-F (no holes) Figure sculptures and elephants, celebrants etc. 3.70 3.50 3.30 -.-- 85c 10 Cents 1939 VF+ Figure sculptures and elephants, celebrants etc. 4.75 4.65 4.55 4.45 85d 10 Cents 1939 G-F+ Figure sculptures and elephants, celebrants etc. 2.35 2.15 1.90 -.-- 85d 10 Cents 1939 VF+ Figure sculptures and elephants, celebrants etc. 4.25 4.00 3.70 -.-- 85e 10 Cents 1939 VF+ Figure sculptures and elephants, celebrants etc. 5.25 5.00 4.70 -.-- 90 20 Piastres 1939 XF-AU Dragons & flames 5.25 5.00 4.70 -.-- 90 20 Piastres 1939 VF+ Dragons & flames 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 FRENCH PACIFIC TERRITORIES 2 1000 FRANCS 1996 F++ Pretty Island native / Deer, birds, huts etc 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- FRENCH WEST AFRICA ( AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANCAISE) 34 1 Franc * 1944 VF+ River scene with 2 men in a canoe, 1 holding fish plus 2 women with produce 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| GABON 8 500 Francs 1985 UNC Common design to other West African Countries 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 GEORGIA 15a 5000 Rubles * 1921 VF+ With WATERMARK & Central Building 35.00 33.00 30.00 -.-- 31 5000 Laris 1993 UNC View of Tbilisi / cave dwellings 3.75 3.50 -.-- -.-- 33 1 Laris 1993 UNC MISCUT ERROR on BOTH SIDES View of Tbilisi / cave dwellings 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 33 1 Laris 1993 UNC View of Tbilisi / cave dwellings 1.75 1.50 1.25 -.-- 35 10 Laris 1993 UNC View of Tbilisi / cave dwellings 4.00 3.75 3.60 3.50 44 2000 Laris 1993 UNC Griffin & Grapes 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.50 47 30000 Laris 1994 UNC Griffin & Grapes 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- 48 50000 Laris 1994 UNC Griffin & Grapes 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| GERMANY 8a 5 Mark 1904 P-VG Germania with Child & dove 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.60 9b 10 Mark 1909 VG-F Woman with palm branch 2.00 1.90 1.70 1.50 40 20 Mark 1909 VG Artistic design 5.75 5.40 5.20 5.00 41 50 Mark 1910 VG 2 heads of Germania / pictorial design 2.70 2.50 2.30 2.10 43 100 Mark 1910 F-VF Mercury & Ceres/Seated Germania & battleships, Kaiser 4.00 3.75 3.60 3.50 44b 1000 Mark 1910 F-VF Printed on ribbed paper, pattern bought from USA in 1873 Green 6.00 5.00 5.25 5.50 45b 1000 Mark 1910 F-VF Printed on ribbed paper, pattern bought from USA in 1873 Red 6.00 5.25 5.50 5.25 46b 20 Mark 1914 F Artistic design 2.70 2.50 2.30 2.10 47b 5 Mark 1914 P 2 heads of Germania / pictorial design 2.50 2.40 2.20 1.50 47b 5 Mark 1914 F-VF 2 heads of Germania / pictorial design 6.50 6.25 6.00 5.75 49b 50 Mark 1914 G pictorial design / Germania 3.30 3.10 2.90 2.70 52 1 Mark 1914 VF pictorial design / arms 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 53 2 Mark 1914 VF pictorial design / arms 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 56 5 Mark 1917 AU Woman with flowers in her hair / Royal Crown 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 56b 5 Mark 1917 UNC Woman with flowers in her hair / Royal Crown 4.30 4.15 3.90 3.80 57 20 Mark 1918 G Minerva+Mercury / man + woman 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 58 1 Mark 1920 F pictorial design 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 59 2 Mark 1920 F pictorial design / arms 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 60 2 Mark 1920 VG pictorial design / arms 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 63 20 Mark 1915 P-G 2 men w.cornucopias with man & woman 1.85 1.72 1.60 1.53 66 50 Mark 1920 F-VF Green note with woman 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 67a 10 Mark 1920 VF arms / pictorial design 1.50 1.40 1.30 -.-- 69 100 Mark 1920 G Bamberg Horseman / pictorial design 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 73 500 Mark 1922 G portrait J.Mayer 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.30 74 500 Mark 1922 VG arms 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 75 100 Mark 1922 G arms / pictorial design 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 76 1000 Mark 1922 G arms / pictorial design 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 78 5,000 Mark 1922 VG Burgermaster Brauweiler by B.Bruyn 4.00 3.60 3.30 -.-- 89 2 Million Mark 1923 F-VF Merchant Gisze left & right by H. Holbein 12.75 12.50 -.-- -.-- 173b 1 Rentenmark 1937 VG Nazi Regime-Pictorial design 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.25 174b 2 Rentenmark 1937 VG Nazi Regime-Pictorial design 3.00 2.80 2.50 2.00 180a 10 Reichsmark 1929 F A.D. Thaer / Farmer+2 cherubs Rosenberg # 173A 4.00 3.80 3.50 3.00 180a 10 Reichsmark * 1929 VF-XF A.D. Thaer / Farmer+2 cherubs Rosenberg # 173A (with bend) 10.75 9.00 8.75 8.00 181a 20 Reichsmark 1929 F von Siemens / worker+2 cherubs Rosenberg # 174A 5.00 4.50 4.00 7.50 182a 50 Reichsmark 1933 F-VF Hansemann / Mercury - Rosenberg #175 A on B 2.50 2.00 1.50 -.-- 182a 50 Reichsmark 1933 VF Hansemann / Mercury - Rosenberg #175 C F on L 7.00 6.80 6.50 5.25 182a 50 Reichsmark 1933 VF-XF Hansemann / Mercury - Rosenberg #175 B 10.75 9.00 8.75 8.00 183a 100 Reichsmark 1935 F+ The First German SWASTIKA banknote - Rosenberg #176 A 9.75 9.00 8.75 8.00 185 20 Reichsmark 1939 G-F Woman with Edelweiss with Swastika 18.50 17.50 -.-- -.-- 185 20 Reichsmark 1939 F-VF Woman with Edelweiss with Swastika 24.75 23.00 22.00 -.-- R-123b 3 Rublei 1916 F Occupation of Lithuania - WWI 13.00 12.50 12.00 11.00 S-957 5000 Mark 1923 VF+ Saxony - Regional Bank (Dresden) issue/decorative 4.00 3.50 3.30 3.20 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC 16a 10 Deutsch Mark * 1949 F-VF Allegorical scene of 2 women & a Man 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- 21 20 Deutsche Mark 1960 VF Durer picture 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 30b 5 Mark * 1980 UNC Young Venetioan Woman by Albrecht Durer 22.00 21.00 19.00 -.-- 31d 10 Deutsch Mark * 1980 F-VF Durer portrait / Sailing Ship 10.75 9.50 8.50 -.-- 32d 20 Mark * 1980 F-VF Elsbeth Tucher by Albrecht Durer 18.00 16.50 -.-- -.-- 37 5 Deutsche Mark * 1991 UNC Writer Bettina von Arnim/Berlin's Brandenburg Gate 10.50 9.00 8.80 -.-- 38c 10 Deutsch Mark * 1993 F-VF C. F. Gauss ? Sextant 8.75 8.50 -.-- -.-- NOTGELD German Notgeld Collection of 10 Different - uncircurlated Emergency Money, small to large size 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 German Notgeld Collection of 100 different uncircurlated Emergency Money, attractive - 155.00 150.00 145.00 -.-- Set of 2.... WW1 1917 Neuburg 10 & 50 Pfennig Round Notgeld (about the size of a US Quarter) 6.00 5.75 5.50 -.-- 500 Marks German Notgeld, BAMBERG depicting the City. large attractive in VF condition, 1922 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 25 Pfennigs German Notgeld, BLUMENTHAL, very colorful with laborer, shipyard, woman with yarn & bale, UNC 3.30 3.10 2.90 2.70 50 Pfennigs German Notgeld, BLUMENTHAL, very colorful with laborer, shipyard, woman with yarn & bale, UNC 3.10 3.10 2.90 2.70 75 Pfennigs German Notgeld, BLUMENTHAL, very colorful with laborer, shipyard, woman with yarn & bale, UNC 3.10 3.10 2.90 2.70 1 Mark German - BROACKER (BROAGER) Danish Plebiscite of 1919 with gold trim, national flag, soldier etc. RARE 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 50 Pfennigs German Notgeld, DRAMBURG, several fellas watching another spin the wheel, UNC 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.96 500 Marks German Notgeld, GOTHA showing Archbishop von Hersfeld (born 960 and died JULY4, 1038)large size, VF 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 50 Pfennigs German Notgeld, HAMBURG featuring 2 lions standing above Jewish & Christian symbols, UNC 9.25 9.00 8.50 7.75 50 Pfennig German Notgeld PORT CITY of KIEL shown with several ships, green color, UNC 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 25 Pfennig German Notgeld, NEUSTADT (HOLSTEIN), Plebiscite with German & Danish flags, Serially numbered, UNC 3.50 3.30 2.90 2.70 50 Pfennig German Notgeld OLDENBURG featuring Angel with horn announcing the arrival of Count on horseback, UNC 2.75 2.55 2.35 2.10 5 Pfennig German Notgeld ORIGINAL SUGAR SUBSTITUTE (SACCHARIN) FACTORY MONEY, AU 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.25 10 Pfennig German Notgeld ORIGINAL SUGAR SUBSTITUTE (SACCHARIN) FACTORY MONEY, AU 3.00 2.80 2.50 2.25 50 Pfennig, SCHLESWIG - War Notgeld with mansion & lake reflection, numbered with state seal embossed, UNC 3.75 3.65 3.50 3.35 50 Pfennig, SCHLEIZ - With buffalo & kiln with Inventor of Porcelain Johann Fredrich Boettger (1682 - 1719) 4.25 3.70 3.40 3.00 25 Pfennig German Notgeld SIEBURG featuring the castle and the overlook, UNC 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 50 Pfennig German Notgeld SIEBURG featuring the castle and the overlook, UNC 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 10 Pfennig German Notgeld WINSEN (small size) dated 30 JULY 1921 with church, red color, UNC 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 25 Pfennig German Notgeld WINSEN, serially numbered, embossed. Shows shepherd & flock, horses, UNC 2.70 2.50 2.30 2.10 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| GERMANY, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (EAST GERMANY / COMMUNIST) 14b 50 Deutschmark 1948 F-VF Berlin Airlift 1948 15.75 14.50 12.75 -.-- 29a 20 Mark 1975 UNC J.W. von Goethe/Children leaving School 9.00 8.75 -.-- -.-- 30 50 Mark 1971 UNC Friedrich Engels/Oil Refinery 12.00 11.50 -.-- -.-- 26a 100 Mark * 1964 AU Karl Marx 25.00 24.50 23.00 -.-- FX3 5 mark 1979 UNC Foreign Exchange Certificate (check format) 7.60 -.-- -.-- -.-- FX4 10 Mark 1979 AU Foreign Exchange Certificate (check format) 8.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- FX7 500 Mark 1979 UNC Foreign Exchange Certificate (check format) 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- GHANA 5a 1 Cedi 1965 UNC 1st President of an Independent Ghana, Nkrumah 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 18d 2 Cedis 1982 AU-UNC Schoolchild with books/planting - corner nibs 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 16 10 Cedis * 1977 UNC Man with pipe / Hyraulic Dam 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 22b 50 Cedis 1980 UNC Ashanti statue & village Chieftain 5.50 5.40 5.10 -.-- 28c 500 Cedis 1994 UNC Arms / Cacao trees miner 6.75 6.50 6.25 -.-- 10 2,000 Cedis 1995 UNC Suspension bridge / Fishermen 8.50 8.40 -.-- -.-- 33 2,000 Cedis 2002 UNC Suspension bridge / Fishermen 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 34h 5,000 Cedis 2002 UNC REPLACEMENT for ERROR NOTE ZZ/Arms,freighter+logflow 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.50 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| GIBRALTAR 20d 1 Pound 1986 UNC Youthful portrait of Elizabeth II & the Rock 14.00 13.00 -.-- -.-- 20e 1 Pound 1988 XF Youthful portrait of Elizabeth II & the Rock 8.00 7.50 -.-- -.-- GIORI Advertizing Note * circa 1995 XF++ US Stamps (1950's) Press Colorful Shakespeare Uniface Ad note 28.00 27.00 26.00 -.-- GREAT BRITAIN 363c One Pound 1934 XF Seated Britannia - Signed Peppiatt (Duggleby#B238) 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 369a One Pound 1948-1949 XF-AU Seated Britannia - Signed Peppiatt(Threaded) 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 369b One Pound 1949-1955 XF Seated Britannia - Signed Beale 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 369c One Pound 1955-1960 AU Seated Britannia - Signed O'Brien 13.00 12.00 -.-- -.-- 369c One Pound 1955-1960 XF Seated Britannia - Signed O'Brien 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.00 374a One Pound 1960-1961 F Youthful portrait of Q.E. II-Signed L.K. O'Brien 7.00 6.80 6.50 6.25 374a One Pound 1960-1961 VF Youthful portrait of Q.E. II-Signed L.K. O'Brien 8.50 8.00 7.80 7.55 374c One Pound 1962-1966 F Youthful portrait of Q.E.II-Signed J.Q. Hollom 6.00 5.80 5.50 5.25 374c One Pound 1962-1966 VF Youthful portrait of Q.E.II-Signed J.Q. Hollom 8.50 8.00 7.80 7.55 374g One Pound 1970-1977 F Youthful portrait of Q. E. II - Signed J.B. Page 6.75 6.40 6.00 5.75 374g One Pound 1970-1977 VF Youthful portrait of Q. E. II - Signed J.B. Page 8.50 8.00 7.80 7.55 374g One Pound 1970-1977 AU Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 M2 1 Shilling 1943 Fine WWII For use in North Africa 22.00 20.00 18.00 -.-- M3 2 Shs & 6 Pence 1943 F -VF WWII For use in North Africa 24.00 22.00 20.00 -.-- M32b 1 Shilling 1962 UNC British Armerd Forces, 4th Series with 2 Cancellation holes 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 UNL 10 Bristol Pounds * Expiry 2015 UNC/hole cancelled With Security features & Hannah More (1745-1833) 9.00 8.00 7.80 7.60 UNL 10 Lewes Pounds * 2009 UNC With American Founding Father Thomas Paine, Lewes resident (1768-74) 8.50 7.75 7.50 7.25 GREECE 80 50 Drachmai 1926 F+ 1/4 note-Emergency issue 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 100a&b 1,000 Drachmai 1926 P+ Stavros/Pillars-hole punched 2.50 2.25 2.15 2.00 103 5000 Drachmai 1932 aUNC Athena & Mythical bird 35.00 34.00 30.00 -.-- NL First Part 1933 XF Greek Gov't Loan Cert printed by American Bank Note 25.00 24.00 23.00 -.-- 104 50 Drachmai 1935 P-G woman with wheat/Elusis 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 106 1000 Drachmai * 1935 P-G Large note with young woman in Native costume 6.50 6.25 6.00 5.75 106 1000 Drachmai * 1935 G-F Large note with young woman in Native costume 8.70 8.50 8.25 -.-- 110 1000 Drachmai 1939 VF Woman in national outfit/ Ruins of the Parthenon 2.50 2.25 2.15 2.00 110 1000 Drachmai 1939 XF Woman in national outfit/ Ruins of the Parthenon 4.50 4.30 4.00 3.70 111 1000/100 Ovpt 1939 F-VF Provisional issue due to shipwreck-Peasant women 9.40 8.70 7.90 7.00 116 100 Drachmai 1942 F-VF Bird frieze (cold? LOL) & Church 2.30. 2.20 2.10 2.00 118 1,000 Drachmai 1942 F Woman of Tasos/Amphipolis Lion 1.40 1.35 1.30 1.25 118 1,000 Drachmai 1942 AU+ Woman of Tasos/Amphipolis Lion 4.50 4.00 3.80 -.-- 119 5000 Drachmai * 1942 F+ Nazi Occupation issue with headless ruin flanked by workers 5.00 4.75 -.-- -.-- 122 5000 Drachmai 1943 F Issued under Nazi occupation-Athena & frieze 2.85 2.75 2.60 2.40 123 25000 Drachmai 1943 F Issued under Nazi occupation-Nymph Deidamia 3.25 3.00 2.50 2.25 125 100,000 Drachmai * 1944 F+ WWII Athen & Owl coin / temple ruins 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 126 500,000 Drachmai 1944 F+ WWII Head of Zeus 6.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 127 1,000,000 Drachmai 1944 F+ WWII Bust of a Youth from Aneketheras 3.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 128 5,000,000 Drachmai 1944 F-VF WWII Arethusa on Dekadrachm Ancient Coin of Syracuse 18.50 18.00 17.80 -.-- 130 25,000,000 Drachmai 1944 F-VF WWII Back & Front of Ancient Greek Coin with Bull 17.00 15.50 15.00 14.50 131 200 Million Drachmai * 1944 F-VF WWII German Occupation - High Inflation 8.50 7.50 6.00 -.-- 131 200 Million Drachmai * 1944 UNC WWII German Occupation - High Inflation 15.50 16.50 15.00 13.50 132 500 Million Drachmai * 1944 F-VF WWII High Inflation Issue with Apollo portrait 12.50 11.00 -.-- -.-- 133 2 Billion Draachmai * 1944 UNC WWII German Occupation - High Inflation 19.50 18.50 17.50 16.50 134a 10,000,000,000 Drachmai 1944 XF WWII Nice high value inflation note with Athena Coin 18.00 17.75 17.50 17.00 168 50 Drachmai * 1944 F-VF Poet Hesiod at the time of Homer / Frieze 4.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 180 1000 Drachmai * 1947 F-VF General T. Kolokotronis War of Independence 11.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 196 100 Drachmai * 1967 VF Democritus, the 'Cheerful laughing philosopher' 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 200a 100 Drachmai 1978 UNC Helmeted Athena & Crete Church Arkadi 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 201 500 Drachmai * 1983 VF-XF Statersman Ioannis Kapodistrias / Corfu 2.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 314 10 Drachmail 1940 AU-UNC WWII - Ancient coin with Demeter & University 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.30 317 1 Drachmae * 1941 AU-UNC WWII - Small note with seated statue . Bird coin 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 318 2 Drachmai * 1941 UNC WWII Small note with coin (Warrior head & Lion) 12.00 11.75 11.50 10.00 320 1 Drachmae * 1944 F-VF WWII Low value note with Phoenix on the back 3.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 322 10 Drachmai * 1944 F-VF Small note Farmer with Rake & Worker with Shovel 13.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 324b 100 Drachmai * 1953 UNC Constantine / Church 15.00 14.75 12.50 11.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| GUATEMALA 58c Half Quetzal 1982 UNC Quetzal bird & Tecun Uman / Tikal pyramid 8.50 8.30 8.00 7.75 72a Half Quetzal 1989 UNC Quetzal bird & Tecun Uman / Tikal pyramid 2.50 2.30 2.10 2.00 87c 1 Quetzal 1995 AU-UNC General Orellana & Quetzal Bird 3.50 3.00 2.80 2.50 GUERNSEY German WWII - R-138 5 Reichsmark 1940-5 Good Two workers & Berlin War memorial 5.75 5.40 5.20 5.00 GUINEA 16 10 Sylis * 1971 UNC Lumumba 1st PM of an Independent Congo & Banana harveesting 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 27 500 Francs 1980 VF-XF Death Portrait of J. Broz Tito of Yugoslavia 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 GUINEA - BISSAU 10 50 Pesos 1990 UNC Artifact with Na-isana / Working villagers 3.00 2.45 2.30 2.15 13b 1000 Pesos 1993 UNC A. Cabral / Allegorical Scene with weaponary etc 3.50 3.00 2.80 2.50 GUYANA 22e 5 Dollars 1989 UNC Kaieteur falls / Cane sugar +conveyor 3.10 2.85 2.50 2.10 23f 10 Dollars 1992 UNC Kaieteur falls / Bauxite & aluminum 3.00 2.50 1.95 1.60 10 20 Dollars 2002 UNC Kaieteur falls / Ship building & ship 3.55 3.40 3.25 3.10 31 100 Dollars 2002 UNC Map of Guyana,parrot watermark/ Cathedral 4.25 4.10 3.90 -.-- HAITI 202 5 Gourdes * 1971 UNC Papa Doc Duvalier Printed by American Bank Note 22.00 20.00 18.00 -.-- 203 10 Gourdes * 1971 UNC Papa Doc Duvalier Printed by American Bank Note 35.00 33.00 30.00 -.-- 211 2 Gourdes 1973 UNC Papa Doc Duvalier Printed by American Bank Note 11.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 212 5 Gourdes * 1973 G+ Papa Doc Duvalier Printed by American Bank Note 2.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 212 5 Gourdes * 1973 F+ Papa Doc Duvalier Printed by American Bank Note 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 265 10 Gourdes 2000 UNC C.F. Archaie & the flag/ Coat of Arms 1.90 1.75 1.65 1.55 266a 25 Gourdes 2000 UNC Palace of Justice / Coat of Arms 3.00 2.75 2.50 -.-- 271A 20 Gourdes 2001 UNC Silver foil with embossing 1.50 1.25 1.00 -.-- 273a 25 Gourdes 2004 UNC Nicholas Gieffrard/Fort Plantons-Silver Security Strip 6.25 6.00 5.75 5.50 276a 250 Gourdes 2004 UNC Jean-Jacques Dessalines/Fort Decide-Silver Security Strip 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 277a 500 Gourdes 2004 UNC Alexandre Petion/Fort Jacques - Silver Security Strip 30.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- HELL NOTES (used by some Chinese to bury with loved ones - so the have money to use in the next life) FANTASY One Million Uncirculated John Fitzgerald Kennedy - US President in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Jackie Onassis Kennedy - Wife of US President in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated James Dean - American teen movie idol in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Humphrey Bogart - Actor in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Marilyn Monroe - The most beautiful Actress in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Confucius - World's greatest Philosopher in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Chinese Junk sailing vessel in English & Chinese 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 One Million Uncirculated Mao Zedong - Leader of the Cultural Revolution in English & Chinese 0.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- One Million Uncirculated Lyndon Baines Johnson - Vietnam War US President in English & Chinese 1.45 1.35 -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| HONDURAS 68b 1 Lempira 1984 UNC Chief Lempira / Copan Mayan Site 2.55 2.45 2.35 2.25 90 2 Lempira 2006 UNC Marco Aurelio Soto / Port of Amapala 2.50 1.35 1.25 1.15 HONG KONG 181f 5 Dollars * 1965-9 F. Seated woman with ship 4.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 181f 5 Dollars 1973 F-VF Seated woman with ship 3.45 3.25 3.00 -.-- 182h 10 Dollars 1978 XF-AU Female Bust+Arms / Building 6.25 6.00 5.75 5.50 191b 10 Dollars * 1988 F-VF Hongkong & Shanghai Bank/Executive w Lion & ship on the back 4.80 -.-- -.-- -.-- 191c 10 Dollars * 1989 F-V Hongkong & Shanghai Bank General w Lion & ship on the back 4.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 197c 10 Dollars * 1992 F-V Hongkong & Shanghai Bank General w Lion & ship on the back 4.30 4.00 -.-- -.-- 191/197 10 Dollars * 1985-1991 F-V Hongkong & Shanghai Bank w Lion & ship on the back 4.00 3.50 -.-- -.-- 201d 20 Dollars * 1998 F-VF Hongkong & Shanghai BankClock tower/ferry boat 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 278b 10 Dollars 1986 UNC Mythological carp/Bank logo 5.75 5.55 5.15 -.-- 279 10 Dollars * 1985-1991 F-V Standard Chartered Bank w Carp fish & Bank Bldg on back 6.00 5.50 -.-- -.-- 284b 10 Dollars 1995 UNC Mythological carp/Flower 4.75 3.85 3.75 3.55 313 1 Cent * 1941 F-VF WWII Issue, Small note w no prefix letter (rarest type) & Crown 9.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 321 1 Cent 1945 UNC King George portrait banknote 15.50 15.25 15.00 14.75 324A 1 Dollar * 1952-9 F-VF Queen Elizabeth II / 11.00 10.00 -.-- -.-- HUNGARY 57 1 Korona * 1920 F Arms / Woman's Head 3.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 58 2 Korona 1920 F Arms / Reaping Farmer 2.35 2.20 2.00 1.80 99 50 Pengo 1932 F S.Petofi with beauty/horse rider 2.35 2.20 1.90 1.40 100 10 Pengo 1936 F Madonna & child/St.Stephen 2.35 2.20 1.90 1.40 100 10 Pengo 1936 AU-UNC Madonna & child/St.Stephen 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 109 20 Pengo 1941 Fine Shepherd & flock with beauty 1.90 1.40 0.95 0.80 111 100 Pengo 1945 F-VF King Matyas/ Royal palace Budapest 3.00 2.75 2.50 1.00 112 100 Pengo 1910 F Same as #98 but with asterix,On Horseback 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 117a 500 Pengo 1945 F Woman with wreath - Russian 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 117x 500 Pengo 1945 G-F Same as 117a but with mis-spelled wording 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 118 1000 Pengo 1945 F-VF WANTED 3.00 2.75 2.50 1.00 119b 10,000 Pengo 1945 F Woman-stamp (2 for 3 ratio) 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 123 10,000,000 Pengo 1945 F-VF WANTED 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 125 1,000,000,000 Pengo 1945 F-VF WANTED 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 169f 20 Forint 1975 UNC G.Dosza, revolutionist/Wrestling champion 9.50 9.00 8.75 7.50 169f 20 Forint 1975 AU G.Dosza, revolutionist/Wrestling champion-corner nibs 4.50 4.30 4.00 3.50 169f 20 Forint 1975 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 174c 100 Forint * 1995 UNC Lajos Kossuth / Family in agricultural wagon w 2 horses 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- ICELAND 40a 100 Kronur 1957 UNC T.Gunnarsson & church/Sheep & herders on horseback 10.50 10.00 -.-- -.-- 44 100 Kronur * 1961 UNC T.Gunnarsson & church/Sheep & herders on horseback 7.00 6.50 6.25 -.-- 48 10 Krona 1961 UNC A.Jonsson / household scene 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| INDIA 66 1 Rupee 1970 UNC M.K. Gandhi Birth Centennial issue 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 77 1 Rupee 1976 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin obverse & reverse (staple holes) 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 77 1 Rupee 1977 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin obverse & reverse (staple holes) 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 77 1 Rupee 1978 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin obverse & reverse (staple holes) 3.75 3.25 2.75 2.40 78 1 Rupee 1980 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin obverse & reverse (staple holes) 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 78 1 Rupee 1981 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 78a 1 Rupee 1984 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 78a 1 Rupee 1985 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.00 78a 1 Rupee 1986 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 78a 1 Rupee 1987 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.45 1.35 1.25 1.15 78a 1 Rupee 1988 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.45 1.35 1.25 1.15 78a 1 Rupee 1990 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.45 1.35 1.25 1.15 78a 1 Rupee 1991 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.45 1.35 1.25 1.15 78a 1 Rupee 1992 AU-UNC 1 Rupee coin (staple holes)offshore oil rig 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.00 79 2 Rupees 1976 UNC Space craft orbiting, staple holes as usual 3.75 3.50 3.00 -.-- 81f 10 Rupees 84-85 UNC Asoka pillar/Deer, peacocks 3.00 2.85 2.75 2.60 88A 5 Rupees 2002 UNC M. Gandhi / Colorful tractor farming scene 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.00 89 10 Rupees * 1996-2007 UNC Mahatma Gandhi / Tiger & Elephant 1.25 1.10 1.00 0.80 89Ab 20 Rupees 2002 UNC M. Gandhi / Coconut trees & Coastline 1.40 1.20 1.10 1.00 84 50 Rupees * 2001 XF-UNC Lion capital of Asoka column / Parliament building 3.00 2.75 -.-- -.-- 90 50 Rupees * 1997+ AU-UNC Mahatma Gandhi / Parliament building 4.00 3.00 -.-- -.-- 105 100 Rupees * 2000+ XF+ Mahatma Gandhi / Mountain scenery 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 93f 500 Rupees 2002 UNC M. Gandhi - Variable Optical Ink / The great OCTOBER 20.00 19.00 18.00 -.-- 94f 1000 Rupees 2002 UNC M. Gandhi-Variable Optical Ink/Telecom satellite 38.00 35.00 -.-- -.-- HUNDIS (India) 25 Paisa Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 3.00 2.75 2.50 -.-- 50 New Paisa Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 3.95 3.75 3.50 3.25 25 Paisa Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 2.25 2.15 -.-- -.-- 75 Paisa Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 2.75 2.55 2.35 2.15 1 Rupee Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 2.75 2.55 2.35 2.15 1.50 Rupee Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.50 2 Rupees Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.45 2.50 Rupees Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 4.25 3.70 3.40 3.00 4 Rupees Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.45 5 Rupees Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 4.25 3.70 3.40 3.00 10 Rupees Pre-1990 VF+ Ashoka Pillar 8 1/2 x 5 inches (22 x 13 cms) 5.00 4.80 4.60 4.40 SAYALA (India) S435 1 Paisa 1941 F+ Series D (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon -.-- I WANT TO BUY -.-- S435 1 Paisa 1941 F+ Series E (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon 6.25 6.15 6.00 5.80 S435 1 Paisa 1941 F+ Series F (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon 9.00 8.75 8.25 -.-- INDONESIA (also see Netherlands East Indies) 65 5 Rupiah 1959 UNC Stunning flowers/sunbirds 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 74 1 Rupiah 1956 XF Javanese woman 1.75 1.65 1.55 1.45 79 2.5 Rupiah 1961 UNC Farming & flowers 2.00 1.80 1.50 1.25 81 2.5 Rupiah * 1964 XF Center Fold / Sukarno 10.00 8.00 -.-- -.-- 105 10 Rupiah * 1968 F-VF Oil refinery 3.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 17 500 Rupiah 1977 UNC Pretty Woman with Orchids 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 117 500 Rupiah 1977 UNC REPLACEMENT Pretty Woman with Orchids 20.00 19.00 18.00 17.00 122a 100 Rupiah 1984 UNC Victoria crowned pigeon / Asahan dam 1.25 1.10 0.90 0.85 128e 500 Rupiah 1996 UNC Orangutan Monkey/dwelling 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 IRAQ 73 25 Dinars * 1986 VF-XF+ 'Swiss'? made print plates.Saddam & Monument + UV & Flouresence 3.00 2.25 2.00 1.75 74 25 Dinars 1991 UNC Galloping Arabian horses/Abbasid Palace 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 77 1/4 Dinar 1993 UNC Date Palms/ Palace 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 78 1/2 Dinar 1993 UNC ERROR - MISCUT with Astrolabe & Minaret, printed in China 4.25 3.70 3.40 3.00 78B 1/2 Dinar 1993 UNC Abbasid Astrolabe / Samarra minaret 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 79 1 Dinar 1992 UNC Ancient coin / Musanteriah 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 80c 5 Dinars 1992 UNC Saddam Hussein picture/Shamash-Sun/Hammurabi 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 89 10,000 Dinars 2002 UNC Smiling Saddam / Astrolabe 3.75 3.25 2.75 2.40 90 50 Dinars 2003 UNC Substituted by new coin-Silo/Date palms 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.85 1 Dinar Coupon - African-Iraqi Trading Co. / Alwiyah Club Baghdad Very Rare and unusual 12.50 11.50 -.-- -.-- Propaganda Note - No difference between this piece of paper on your money ! Overthrow Saddam (1991) 0.75 0.65 0.55 0.45 Safe Conduct Pass of the Gulf War (1991) You Do Not Have To Die! How to surrender instructions 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 IRELAND, NORTHERN 247b 1 Pound 1979 XF Woman & Coats of Arms / Sailing vessel 33.00 32.00 31.00 30.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF 70d 1 Pound 1998 AUNC Q.Madebh/Ancient Irish writing-slight corner bump 14.50 13.50 12.50 11.50 70d 1 Pound 1988 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.50 ISRAEL 10c 1 Lira 1958 UNC Fisherman/mosaic Peace on Israel - Brown serial #'s 4.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 32a 10 Lirot 1958 Fine Scientist-microscope-Dead Sea Scrolls 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.45 39 10 Lirot 1973 XF Sir Moses Montefiore & windmill/ Jaffa Gate 4.00 3.90 3.75 -.-- 42 500 Lirot 1975 Fine Ben Gurion (Prime Minister) / Golden Gate 4.85 -.-- -.-- -.-- 43 1 Shekel 1980 UNC Montefiore / Jaffa Gate 4.00 3.90 3.75 -.-- 46a 50 Shekalim * 1980 UNC Ben-Gurion / Golden Gate, Jerusalem 3.75 3.65 2.55 2.45 51Aa 1 Shekel 1986 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 10.00 9.50 9.00 -.-- 52 5 Shekalim * 1985 VF-XF Levi Eskol & stylized Jerusalem view / Industrial piping 6.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| ITALY M1 5 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes - Single Hole Cancelled 4.50 4.00 -.-- -.-- M1 5 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes 7.50 7.00 -.-- -.-- M2 10 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes - Single Hole Cancelled -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- M2 10 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- M3 50 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes - Single Hole Cancelled 5.00 4.50 4.00 -.-- M3 50 Centesimi 1918 VF-XF WWI Military Small Change Notes 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 M4 1 Lire 1918 F-VF WWI Military Small Change Notes 11.50 11.00 10.50 10.00 M5 2 Lire 1918 F-VF WWI Military Small Change Notes 15.00 14.50 14.00 13.50 23 5 Lire * 1904 F King Victor Emanuel / Woman with Leafy Crown & Sword 17.00 15.50 -.-- -.-- 25c 10 Lire 1935 F Portrait of King Victor Emanuel, Ethiopian War 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 26 1 Lire 1939 F Italian Invasion of Albania 3.75 3.50 3.00 -.-- 27 2 Lire 1939 F Italian Invasion of Albania 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 28 5 Lire 1940-4 F WWII with King Victor Emanuel III 8.00 7.50 7.00 -.-- 29a 1 Lire 1944 UNC WWII - Bolaffi (Jewish) Signature 10.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 29a 1 Lire 1944 F-VF WWII - Ventura Signature 3.50 3.00 -.-- -.-- 29b 1 Lire 1944 F-VF WWII - Bolaffi (Jewish) Signature 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 30a 2 Lire 1944 F-VF WWII - Ventura Signature 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 30b 2 Lire 1944 F-VF WWII - Bolaffi (Jewish) Signature 7.50 7.00 -.-- -.-- 31b 5 Lire 1944 F-VF WWII - Bolaffi (Jewish) Signature 9.00 8.50 8.00 -.-- 32 10 Lire 1944 Fine WWII - Bolaffi (Jewish) Signature 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 91 50 Lire 1951 F-VF Warrior with Helmet - Bolaffi Signature 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 92 100 Lire 1951 F-VF Warrior with Helmet - Bolaffi Signature 8.50 8.00 -.-- -.-- 103c 2000 Lire 1982 UNC Galileo, leaning tower of Pisa/Zodiac 10.25 10.15 10.00 9.50 109b 1000 Lire 1982 UNC Marco Polo & the Doge Palace, Venice 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.70 111a 5000 Lire 1985 UNC Best Signatures = Stevani / V.Bellini 14.50 14.00 13.50 13.00 111a 5000 Lire 1985 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 19.00 18.50 18.00 -.-- 112 10000 Lire * 1984 G-F A Volta / Mausoleum Watermark of Volta 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- 112 10000 Lire 1984 UNC A Volta / Mausoleum Watermark of Volta 11.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 114b 1000 Lire 1990 UNC M.Montessori / Teacher+pupil 5.55 4.25 3.55 2.75 S-185 1 Lire 1848 G-F Lion of Venice w/ Ornate Border 17.00 15.00 13.50 12.00 S-186 2 Lire 1848 G-F Neptune+Justitia 20.00 18.50 17.00 16.00 S-186 2 Lire 1848 F-VF Neptune+Justitia 38.00 36.00 34.00 28.00 S-187 3 Lire 1848 F Two coin makers in the buff 27.00 25.00 23.50 22.00 S-188 5 Lire 1848 F+ Pictorial design stringing hole 20.00 17.50 16.00 15.00 S-188 5 Lire 1848 VF Pictorial design stringing hole 32.00 31.50 31.00 30.00 S-537 7 Paoli 1798 VF+ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic 55.00 53.00 50.00 -.-- S-537 7 Paoli 1798 XF++ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic 72.00 70.00 65.00 -.-- S-538 8 Paoli 1798 VF+ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic 42.00 40.00 38.00 -.-- S-538 8 Paoli 1798 XF++ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic 55.00 50.00 -.-- -.-- S-539 9 Paoli 1798 VF-XF Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic 52.00 50.00 45.00 -.-- S-540a 10 Paoli 1798 VF+ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic (Triangle) 58.00 55.00 -.-- -.-- S-540b 10 Paoli 1798 XF+ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic (Circle) 58.00 55.00 -.-- -.-- S-540c 10 Paoli 1798 XF++ Under Napoleon 3 symbols of the Roman Republic (Square) 60.00 57.00 -.-- -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Popolari Small Change Note, Bergamo 1.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- NL 50 Lire 1977 - UNC Agrarian Bank Small Change Note, Ferrara 1.25 1.00 -.-- -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Agrarian Bank Small Change Note, Ferrara 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1976 - UNC Bank of Credit, Small Change Note, Genoa 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 NL 150 Lire 1976 - UNC Bank of Credit, Small Change Note, Genoa 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Popolari/Agricultural Small Change Note, Milan 1.50 1.25 1.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Azione Small Change Note, Milan 1.50 1.25 1.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Iccrea Small Change Note, Rome 1.50 1.25 1.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1976 - UNC Santo Spirito (founded 1605) Change Note, Rome 3.50 3.25 3.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC St. Paul Small Change Note, Turin 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- NL 100 Lire 1977 - UNC Friuli Small (founded 1872) Change Note, Udine 2.25 2.00 -.-- -.-- NL 100 Lire 1976 - UNC Varesino, Small Change Note, Varese 1.25 1.00 -.-- -.-- *** Set of 20 Different UNC Miniassegni - Italian notgeld of the 1970's issued by private banks as the nation had not kept up with coinage supply. With the wheels of commerce grinding to a near halt, the nation demanded small change a form of money. 12.00 11.00 10.00 9.00 JAMAICA 76 100 Dollars 1994 UNC Sir Donald Sangster / Dunn's River Falls St. Ann 5.55 5.15 -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| JAPAN Hansatsu 100 Mon 1850-70 VF Kawshi with red Meiji initial redemption chop 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 Hansatsu 1 Silver Momme 1863 VF Rice note Kasai (Hyogo Prefecture) Blue- God of Wealth 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 30c 1 Yen 1916 F-VF Convertible Silver note - Takeushi Sukuna portrait 20.00 19.00 18.50 18.00 M24 5 Yen * 1938 G-F Series 2 - Military Yen for China WWII, Modified B of Japan -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- M26 10 Yen * 1938 G-F Series 2 - Military Yen for China WWII, Modified B of Japan -.-- 50a 5 Yen 1943 UNC Kitano shrine & Sugawara Michisan portrait 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 53a 10 Sen 1944 UNC Tower monument 4.75 4.40 4.10 -.-- 56 10 Yen 1944-5 G WWII Issue / Wakeno Kiyomaro -.-- -.-- -.-- 63 10 Sen 1945 AU Allied Military Currency 5.25 5.15 5.00 4.90 65 50 Sen 1945 AU Allied Military Currency 4.75 4.65 4.55 -.-- 85 1 Yen 1946 AU Sontokuyu & cockerel 3.25 3.10 2.95 2.75 86 5 Yen * 1946 XF Pictorial Design 2.85 -.-- -.-- -.-- 89a 100 Yen * 1946 F Shotoku-Taishi /Horyuji Temple 3.55 -.-- -.-- -.-- 89a 100 Yen 1946 XF Shotoku-Taishi /Horyuji Temple 15.00 14.50 14.00 12.00 89a 100 Yen 1946 AU Shotoku-Taishi /Horyuji Temple 20.00 19.50 19.00 17.00 90c 100 Yen 1953 UNC I.Taisuke/Diet building 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 95b 500 Yen 1953 UNC I. Tomomi/Mt. Fuji 8.25 8.00 7.75 -.-- 97 1000 Yen * 1984-93 VF-XF S. Natsume / Manchurian cranes 15.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 100b 1,000 Yen 1993 AU-UNC Soseki Natsume / Manchurian cranes 15.00 14.50 14.00 -.-- 100b 1,000 Yen 1993 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 20.00 19.50 19.00 18.50 Japanese War (WWII) Bonds JAPANESE INVASION MONEY - see individual countries for Burma, Malaya, Netherlands East Indies, Oceania and Philippines, |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| JERSEY German WWII - R-138 5 Reichsmark 1940-5 G Two workers & Berlin War memorial 5.75 5.40 5.20 5.00 11a 1 Pound 1976 UNC QEII with tiara/Battle of Jersey Sign J.Clennett 18.00 17.00 16.00 -.-- 11b 1 Pound 1983 UNC QEII with tiara/Battle of Jersey Sign L. MARCH 16.00 15.00 14.00 -.-- 15 1 Pound 1989 UNC Queen Elizabeth II/church Leslie JULYSignature 9.00 8.00 -.-- -.-- 26 1 Pound 2000 UNC Queen Elizabeth II/church Ian Black Signature 6.00 5.80 5.60 -.-- 15s 1 Pound 1989 UNC SPECIMEN (red overprint)-Leslie May,000000 Serial# 15.50 15.25 15.00 -.-- 20s 1 Pound 1993 UNC SPECIMEN (red overprint)-George Baird-000000 Serial# 11.50 11.25 11.00 -.-- JORDAN 23a 1/2 Dinar 1992 UNC King Hussein with kefiah/Fort Qusayr Amra 5.00 4.40 3.80 3.20 KAMPUCHEA (see Cambodia) KAZAKHSTAN 2 2 Tyin 1993 UNC Small note - Super colorful, intricate design 1.05 0.85 0.70 0.65 3 5 Tyin 1993 UNC Small note - Super colorful, intricate design 1.15 1.05 0.90 0.85 4 10 Tyin 1993 UNC Small note - Super colorful, intricate design 1.02 0.80 0.68 0.64 5 20 Tyin 1993 UNC Small note - Super colorful, intricate design 0.96 0.84 0.78 0.72 20 200 Tenge 1999 UNC Al Farabi / Mausoleum of A. Yasavi 6.75 6.60 -.-- -.-- KENYA 15 5 Shillings 1978 UNC Portrait of 1st leader,Jomo Kenyatta/Coffee picking 3.50 3.20 2.95 2.70 21 20 Shillings * 1984-7 F-VF Daniel Arap-Moi / 4 young women reading 4.25 3.75 -.-- -.-- 29Aa 200 Shillings 1986 XF Daniel Arap-Moi / University + Mt. Kenyatta 14.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 20g 10 Shillings 1988 XF Daniel Arap-Moi / Students and Mt. Kenyatta 4.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 24b 10 Shillings 1990 UNC Daniel Arap-Moi / University+Mt. Kenyatta 3.75 3.65 2.55 2.45 24d 10 Shillings 1992 UNC Daniel Arap-Moi / University+Mt. Kenyatta 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.00 25c 20 Shillings 1992 UNC Daniel Arap-Moi / Sports Complex 6.75 6.60 6.50 6.00 32 20 Shillings * 1996 UNC Daniel Arap-Moi / Sports arena & runner 5.50 5.00 -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| KOREA, SOUTH 7 100 Won 1950 G-F+ City Gate, Pre Korean War 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.50 10 1000 Won * 1952 G-F Syngman Rhee / Pagoda 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 10 1000 Won * 1952 VF-XF Syngman Rhee / Pagoda 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 28 10 Jeon 1962 UNC Small fractional note - Blue 1.50 1.25 1.15 1.00 29 50 Jeon 1962 UNC Small fractional note - Green 2.70 2.50 2.30 2.10 43 500 Won 1973 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 19.00 18.50 18.00 -.-- 47 1000 Won 1983 XF Yi Hwang Banknote in windowed envelope with map & Country info 18.00 17.50 17.00 16.50 47 1000 Won 1983 F-VF Yi Hwang portrait & Tosansown Acadamey 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- 54 1000 Won 2007 UNC Yi Hwang with new security features 3.50 3.25 3.00 -.-- KUWAIT 11b 1/4 Dinar 1986 UNC Oil rig & ship/refinery-Non stolen prefix #47 4.55 4.45 4.35 -.-- 11d 1/4 Dinar * 1986 VF Demonetized issue (pre-Iraqi invasion / when they stole all the currency) 2.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 12d 1/2 Dinar 1980 XF-AU Towers / Harbor - Dhow watermark 7.55 -.-- -.-- -.-- 13d 1 Dinar 1990 UNC Demonetized issue (pre-Iraqi invasion/ when they stole all the currency) 9.50 9.35 -.-- -.-- 13d 1 Dinar * 1980-91 VF Demonetized issue (pre-Iraqi invasion/ when they stole all the currency) 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 16b 20 Dinars 1992 VF++ Demonetized 10.00 9.50 -.-- -.-- KYRGYSTAN 1 1 Tyin 1993 UNC Soaring eagle / pictorial design 1.00 0.75 0.65 0.55 LAOS 9b 5 Kip 1962 UNC S. Vong / Elephant with rider, monument 2.85 2.75 2.65 2.55 10b 10 Kip 1962 AU-Spots Woman / pictorial design 1.20 1.10 0.90 0.80 10b 10 Kip 1962 UNC Woman / pictorial design 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 P20b 10 Kip 1976 UNC Medical examination & nurses / Bush fighters 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 26a 5 Kip 1979 UNC Shoppers at a store / logging elephants 1.20 1.10 0.90 0.80 P29 50 Kip 1979 UNC Rice planting / Hydroelectric dam 1.20 1.10 0.90 0.80 P10 100 Kip 1979 UNC Grain harvesting / Soldier & bridge 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 LATVIA 20 50 Latu 1934 Fine Prime Minister Ulmanis 12.50 12.25 12.00 11.00 29 10 Latu * 1937-40 Fine Fishermen / Sowing 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 36 2 Rubli 1992 UNC Latvia's first 2 of the modern era 3.75 2.50 2.00 1.80 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| LEBANON 34 5 Piastres 1942 Fine+ World War II Issue with Cedar Tree 17.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 62d 5 Livres 1986 UNC Tomb & curse of Ahiram/Kalb River bridge 1.50 1.35 1.20 0.95 63f 10 Livres 1986 UNC Arched ruins of Anjar/Offshore rock croppings 2.50 1.95 1.60 1.25 65d 50 Livres 1988 UNC Temple of Bacchus / local architecture 3.00 2.55 2.10 1.65 66d 100 Livres 1988 UNC Palace / Cedar trees 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 67e 250 Livres 1988 UNC Ruins at Tyrus 3.50 3.20 2.95 2.70 LESOTHO 4a 2 Maloti 1981 UNC King Moeshoeshoe II in military uniform 5.25 5.15 5.00 4.90 11 10 Maloti 1990 UNC King Moshoeshoe II/horseback, cornfield, Z Prefix 4.00 3.10 2.70 2.40 LIBERIA 19 5 Dollars 1989 UNC OVD + Ship coat-of-arms, Portrait of J.J. Roberts 9.75 8.60 7.55 7.20 20 5 Dollars 1991 UNC OVD + Ship coat-of-arms, rubber tree/Kissi Pennies 4.75 4.60 4.40 4.20 LITHUANIA 46 500 Talonu 1993 UNC Pair of Notes with same Serial #, but Diff Prefix 5.00 4.65 4.25 4.00 LUXEMBOURG 42a 20 Francs * 1943 F-VF WWII - Featuring a portrait of Dutchess Charlotte 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 43a 5 Francs 1944 F-VF WWII - Gov't in Exile Printed in the USA by ABNC 15.00 14.00 -.-- -.-- 43b 5 Francs 1944 F-VF WWII - Gov't in Exile Printed in the USA by ABNC 13.00 12.00 11.00 -.-- 44a 10 Francs 1944 F-VF WWII - Gov't in Exile Printed in the USA by ABNC 17.00 16.00 15.00 -.-- 57 100 Francs 1980 UNC Grand Duke Jean & palace / Luxembourg city scene 18.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 58a 100 Francs 1986 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 20.00 19.50 19.00 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| MACAO - MACAU 59e 10 Patacas 1984 UNC Lighthouse/Harbor scene 25.00 24.00 -.-- -.-- 64 10 Patacas 1988 AU 25th Anniversary of Grand Prix Overprint with folio 90.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 65 10 Patacas 1991 UNC Mansion / bridge+city 5.75 5.20 5.00 4.80 66 20 Patacas 1996 UNC Bank building / bridge+city 6.35 6.00 5.50 5.00 90 10 Patacas 1995 UNC 1st Bank of China Issue. Temple/lotos blossom 6.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 91 20 Patacas 1996 UNC Ama temple / bank building lotos 5.50 5.25 5.00 -.-- MADAGASCAR 71 500 Francs 1985 XF Boy with fish / Aerial view of port 6.00 4.75 4.25 3.75 71 500 Francs 1985 UNC Boy with fish / Aerial view of port 7.25 7.00 6.75 6.50 75 500 Francs 1994 UNC Girl / herdsmen with Zebus 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- MALAWI 23b 1 Kwacha * 1992 UNC Dr. Banda & dugout canoe 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 24b 5 Kwacha 1994 XF-AU Dr. Banda & dugout canoe 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- 30 5 Kwacha 1995 UNC President Muluzi / Zebras 6.25 6.00 5.75 5.50 MALAYA M5c 1 Dollar 1942 AU Breadfruit & Coconut Japanese Invasion Money 3.50 3.35 3.00 -.-- 6 1 Cent * 1941 G-F With King George VI Portrait, 1 sided note 9.00 8.50 8.00 -.-- M7 10 Dollars 1944 AU Banana & other local fruit / Ship on the horizon JIM 4.75 4.50 4.00 -.-- 8 10 Cents * 1941 G-F With King George VI Portrait, 1 sided note 12.50 11.00 10.00 -.-- M8a 100 Dollars 1944 AU Water hut / water buffalos Japanese Invasion Money 6.25 6.00 5.75 -.-- MALAYSIA 13a 1 Ringgit 1976 UNC First head of State /Coat of Arms 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 13b 1 Ringgit 1981 UNC First head of State /Coat of Arms 10.50 9.50 8.75 8.25 27a 1 Ringgit 1986 UNC T.A.Rahman / Monument 3.50 3.35 3.00 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| MALDIVES 9 2 Rufiyaa 1983 UNC Sailing ship / Shoreline village 4.25 4.10 4.00 3.90 MAURITANIA 4i 100 Ouguiya 1999 UNC pictorial Design / musical instruments & cow 5.85 5.65 5.45 5.25 MAURITIUS 35b 10 Rupees 1985 UNC Government House / Bridge 3.85 3.65 3.45 3.25 MEXICO 28a 1 Peso * 1936 G-VG Aztec Stone Calendar / Independence Monument / ABNC 11.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 38c 1 Peso * 1945 VF+ Aztec Stone Calendar / Independence Monument / ABNC 12.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 56a 1 Peso * 1954 VF-XF Aztec Stone Calendar / Independence Monument / ABNC 8.00 6.50 -.-- -.-- 59 1 Peso 1961-70 G-F Aztec Stone Calendar / Independence Monument / ABNC 2.20 2.00 -.-- -.-- 59 1 Peso * 1961-70 AU-UNC Aztec Stone Calendar / Independence Monument / ABNC 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.40 64d 20 Pesos 1977 UNC J.Morelos y Pavon / Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl 2.40 2.15 1.80 1.65 85 1,000 Pesos 1985 UNC J.de Asbaje / Cathedral Square 3.35 3.00 2.80 2.50 86c 2,000 Pesos 1989 UNC Justo Sierra & University Building 4.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 90 10,000 Pesos * 1989 F-VF L.Cardenas+oil industry similar to Pick 95 6.35 6.20 6.00 -.-- 91-2 20,000 Pesos * 1987-8 F-VF Fortress above coastal cliffs & Don A. Q. Roo 7.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 93 50,000 Pesos * 1989-90 F-VF Aztec symbols & Cuahtemoc 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 95 10 Nuevos Pesos 1992 UNC L.Cardenas+oil industry similar to Pick 89-90 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 S523 1 Peso 1914 G-F Ejercito Constitucionalista (Constitutional Army) 7.80 -.-- -.-- -.-- S527 50 Centavos 1915 F-VF Chihuahua-Revolutionary Military with Natonal Arms 4.35 4.25 4.10 3.90 S529g 1 Peso 1914 VF+ Chihuahua - Issued by Revolutionary Military Decree 5.35 5.25 5.10 4.90 S532e 5 Pesos 1915 VF+ Chihuahua - Issued by Revolutionary Military Decree 4.25 4.00 3.75 -.-- S533g 10 Pesos 1914 AU Chihuahua - Issued by Revolutionary Military Decree 5.25 5.00 4.90 4.75 S537b 10 Pesos 1915 AU Chihuahua - Issued by Revolutionary Military Decree 6.35 6.20 6.00 5.80 S645 1 Peso 1914 F+ Revolutionary - Saltillo Treasury, Mining camp 6.35 6.20 6.00 5.80 S697 5 Centavos 1914 F-VF Ticket-size of Provisional Gov't, eagle & woman 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 S698 10 Centavos 1914 F-VF Ticket-size of Prov Gov't, eagle & standing Justice 3.50 3.00 2.75 -.-- S684a 10 Centavos 1914 F-VF Ticket-size of Constitutional Gov't, eagle & woman 6.35 6.20 6.00 5.80 S709 1 Peso 1916 F Gobierno Provisional de Mexico 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- S953 1 Peso 1915 G-F Oaxaca-Mexican Revolution with (Mason) Benito Juarez 5.40 5.15 5.80 -.-- S1056a 50 Centavos 1914 P-G Sonora, Guayamas Yaqui handstamp - Great Story 15.75 15.50 15.25 14.50 S1056a 50 Centavos 1914 G-F Sonora, Guayamas Yaqui handstamp - Great Story 18.75 18.50 18.25 17.50 S1057c 1 Peso 1914 G-F Sonora, Guayamas Yaqui handstamp - Great Story 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 S1057c 1 Peso 1914 F-VF Sonora, Guayamas Yaqui handstamp - Great Story 20.75 20.50 20.25 20.00 S1058 10 Centavos * 1914 F Sonora, Guayamas - Huerta Government (Mexican Revolution) 5.00 4.75 4.30 3.50 S1058 10 Centavos 1914 UNC Sonora, Guayamas - Huerta Government (Mexican Revolution) 12.35 12.25 11.00 10.00 S1069 25 Centavos 1915 XF-AU Revolutionary Money - State of Sonora 7.85 7.75 7.60 -.-- S1070 50 Centavos 1915 XF-AU Revolutionary Money - State of Sonora 8.35 8.25 8.10 -.-- S1072 5 Pesos 1915 F+ Revolutionary Money - State of Sonora 7.55 -.-- -.-- -.-- MOLDOVA A11bx12 1's RCC 1992 UNC Top half sheet contains 12 x 1 Ruble Control Coupons - MARCH 1.20 1.10 0.90 0.80 11 20 Lei * 1995-7 F-VF With King Stefan the Great (Son of Bogdan II) GREEN 7.85 -.-- -.-- -.-- MONGOLIA 28 1 Tugrik 1955 UNC Symbol with horse & Portrait of Sukka-Bataar 2.40 2.15 1.80 1.65 42 1 Tugrik 1983 UNC Coat of Arms with horserider 1.55 1.25 1.00 0.60 52 1 Tugrik 1993 UNC Coat of Arms with horserider 1.75 1.50 1.25 0.60 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| MONTENEGRO 15 1 Perper 1914 P-G Coat of Arms with anchors & scales 17.00 15.00 -.-- -.-- 17 10 Perper 1914 P-G Coat of Arms with anchors & scales 25.00 23.00 -.-- -.-- MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE 81 1 Escudo 1941 F+ WWII issued by Portugal 22.00 20.00 -.-- -.-- 125 50 Meticais 1980 UNC Soldiers, guns, tank, missiles, flag raising 2.40 2.15 1.80 1.65 125 50 Meticais 1980 UNC REPLACEMENT ZB for ERROR NOTE/Soldiers, guns, tank+ 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.25 137 10,000 Meticais 1991 UNC Chissano, power lines & Maputo/plowing 2.25 2.00 1.90 1.75 MYANMAR 56 1 Kyat 1972 UNC Gen.Aung San-military uniform/spinning wheel 2.75 2.25 2.00 1.75 67 1 Kyat 1990 UNC General Aung San/dragon carving 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.90 69 1 Kyat 1996 UNC Mythological critter statue/Cityscape 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.90 71a 10 Kyat 1991 UNC Chinze (Mythological critter) 1.25 0.90 0.65 0.50 NAGORNO - KARABAKH (AUTONOMOUS REGION ) 1 2 Dram * 2004 UNC Baptizing of Christ / Church SPECIMEN with Zero Serial 5.75 5.00 4.25 -.-- 2 10 Dram * 2004 UNC Preaching of Jesus Christ / Bridge SPECIMEN with Zero Serial 6.75 6.00 5.25 -.-- NEPAL 22 1 Rupee 1974 UNC King Birendra / 2 musk deer 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 31a 10 Rupee 1985 UNC King Birendra / 2 antelopes 2.90 2.45 2.10 1.75 37 1 Rupee 1991 UNC King Birendra with plumed crown+temple / 2 musk deer 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 38a 20 Rupees 1988 UNC Janakpur temple/deer 3.50 3.00 2.75 -.-- 45 10 Rupees 2002 UNC Polymer with see thru device+King/antelopes 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 NETHERLANDS 61 1 Gulden 1938 F Silver note-brown 2.70 2.35 2.00 1.90 62 2.5 Gulden 1938 F Silver note-blue 4.75 4.25 3.75 3.50 72 1 Gulden * 1949 F Queen Juliana 3.75 3.25 3.00 -.-- 73 2.5 Gulden * 1949 F Queen Juliana 5.75 5.25 5.00 4.50 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 20 1 Gulden * 1970 UNC Aerial view of harbor / Arms / Muntbiljet Issue 4.50 4.00 -.-- -.-- NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES (WWII JAPANESE INVASION of the DUTCH ISLANDS of the PACIFIC - What is today Indonesia made up of Sumatra, Java, Madura, Borneo, the Moluccas, Lesser Sunda Islands, Irian Jaya, Timor etc.) 119 1 Cent * 1942 VF-XF Simple design on tiny size note with wording in Dutch 4.25 4.10 3.50 3.30 120 5 Cents * 1942 VF-XF Simple design on tiny size note with wording in Dutch 5.25 5.00 4.50 4.25 121 10 Cents * 1942 VF-XF Simple design on tiny size note with wording in Dutch 6.25 6.00 5.50 5.25 122 1/2 Gulden * 1942 AU-UNC Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) with fan plant 14.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| NEW CALEDONIA (NOUMEA) 36 5 Francs * 1926 G-F Woman w/ Helmet / Printer Ch Walhain & E Deloche 9.50 8.75 -.-- -.-- 36 5 Francs * 1926 F-VF Woman w/ Helmet / Printer Ch Walhain & E Deloche 16.00 15.50 15.00 -.-- 60d 500 Francs 1985 UNC Fisherman, underwater scene/Bearded native, statue 60.00 55.00 50.00 -.-- NICARAGUA 115 1 Cordoba * 1968 UNC Central Bank / Hernandez Cordoba, explorer 6.00 5.50 5.00 -.-- 164 1000000 Cordobas/1000 Cordobas * 1990 UNC General A.C. Sandino/Liberation of 1979/Overprint 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 167 1 Centavo * 1991 UNC F.H. Cordoba / Flowers & Arms 0.65 0.45 0.35 -.-- 168 5 Centavos * 1991 UNC F.H. Cordoba / Flowers & Arms 0.75 0.35 -.-- -.-- 170 25 Centavos * 1991 UNC F.H. Cordoba / Flowers & Arms 0.85 0.75 0.65 -.-- 171 1/2 Cordoba 1991 UNC Hernandez de Cordoba/ arms 3.75 3.50 3.25 3.00 173 1 Cordoba 1990 UNC Hernandez de Cordoba/ arms Signature 08 5.50 5.30 4.70 -.-- 173 1 Cordoba 1990 UNC Hernandez de Cordoba/ arms Signature 29 2.50 2.30 2.00 -.-- 179 1 Cordoba 1995 UNC Hernandez de Cordoba/ arms 2.60 2.50 2.35 2.20 NIGERIA 8 1 Pound 1967 F Bank building/native chopping date branch 2.75 2.30 2.00 1.75 NORTH VIETNAM (See Vietnam) NORWAY 36c 10 Kroner 1983 UNC CF Prefix;F.Nansen/Fishermen & Cargo ship,last issue 18.00 17.50 -.-- -.-- OCEANIA (WWII JAPANESE INVASION of the ENGLISH ISLANDS of the PACIFIC - GILBERTS, SOLOMONS, NEW BRITAIN & PAPUA NEW GUINEA) 1c 1/2 Shilling * 1942 F-VF Palm trees-Block letters OC spaced 50-53 MM apart 5.50 5.00 4.50 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| OMAN 8a 1/4 Rial Omani 1973 UNC Arms / Jalali fortress 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 13 100 Baisa * 1977 Fine Crossed Swords / Port Scene 2.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 13 100 Baisa * 1977 AU-UNC Crossed Swords / Port Scene 9.00 8.50 7.00 -.-- 22b 100 Baisa 1989 UNC Young Sultan Qaboos & Port scene 3.50 3.35 3.25 -.-- 31 100 Baisa 1995 UNC Sultan Qaboos & Oryx & Eagle 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.65 PAKISTAN 13 10 Rupees * 1951 F+ (with holes) Shalimar gardens in Lahore / Thatta 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 19a 500 Rupees * 1964 XF-AU Ali Jinnah with Dahka Print (later Bangladesh) 22.00 21.00 18.00 -.-- 20a 5 Rupees 1976 UNC Ali Jinnah 5.50 5.00 4.50 -.-- 27 1 Rupee 1994 UNC Arms/ Tomb of AltamaMohammed Ikbal 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 37 2 Rupees 1994 UNC Signed A.A.Khan/Badshahi Mosque 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 R6 10 Rupees 1978 UNC with Staple Holes - For Haj Pilgrims (to Saudi Arabia) 11.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 PALESTINE (see ISRAEL) Set of three (3) Post 1967 AU Set of 3 different Fils Iraqi-Palestine Refugee Lottery 14.25 14.15 14.00 13.85 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 16b 2 Kina 1996 UNC Polymer Bird of paradise / artifacts 3.50 2.75 2.30 2.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| PARAGUAY 196b 10 Guaranies * 1952 UNC General garay / International Bridge 4.20 4.00 3.75 3.25 205 100 Guaranies 1982 UNC General Diaz - Reverse in local language 3.50 2.80 2.30 1.80 214 1,000 Guaranies 1998 UNC M. Francisco Solano Lopez 2.75 2.30 2.00 1.75 228 2,000 Guaranies 2008 UNC Polymer, with the Sperattis 3.50 2.80 2.30 1.80 PERU 83 5 Gold Soles * 1966 UNC Seated Ms Liberty / Coat of Arms 4.40 -.-- -.-- -.-- 84a 10 Gold Soles * 1967 UNC Seated Ms Liberty / Coat of Arms 5.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 99c 5 P. de Oro 1974 UNC Inca Prince Pachacutec/ Inca fortress 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 107 50 Soles de Oro * 1975 UN 50 Gold Soles with Miners & Tupac Amaru / Tinta town scene 4.75 4.50 4.00 -.-- 112 10 P.de Oro 1976 UNC Garcilaso Inca de la Vega/Titicaca Reed boats 2.75 2.30 2.00 1.75 131b 50 Intis 1985 UNC De Pierola/oil rig & helicopter 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 136b 1,000 Intis 1988 UNC M.A.Avelino/ancient ruins 1.10 0.85 0.75 0.70 179 10 Nuevos Soles 2005 UNC Flyer JAQ Gonzalez & model / Biplane upside down 9.25 9.10 8.95 8.85 PHILIPPINES 94 1 Peso * 1946 G=F Peso note Overprinted for the end of WWII with VICTORY 6.75 6.50 6.00 -.-- 119 5 Pesos * 1949 G-F President McKinley & Adm Dewey / Victory Overprint 16.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 135e 5 Pesos 1949 UNC del Pillar & Lopez Jaena/ Solirdaridad newspaper 4.50 4.00 3.75 3.50 135s5 5 Pesos 1949 UNC SPECIMEN of Pilar & Jaena, De La Rue Print, Signature 5 19.00 18.50 18.00 17.50 140 200 Pesos 1949 UNC English issue - President Quezon 12.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 144a 10 Pesos 1969 UNC Mabini/Barasoain Church, signed by Ferdinand Marcos 3.80 3.60 3.40 3.20 160 5 Pesos * 1965-75 Good+ Bonifacio / Barasoain Church 1.55 -.-- -.-- -.-- 161 10 Pesos * 1965-75 Good Mabini / Barasoain Church 1.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 166 2 Pesos 1981 UNC Pope John Paul II Philippines visit, same year as he got shot 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 167a 10 Pesos 1981 UNC Ferdinand Marcos overprint on same note signed by him in 1960's 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| PHILIPPINES JIM(Japanese Invasion Money) 102a 1 Centavo 1942 AU Japanese Invasion 0.75 0.70 0.60 -.-- 103a 5 Centavos 1942 AU Japanese Invasion 0.75 0.70 0.60 -.-- 103a 10 Centavos 1942 AU Japanese Invasion 0.75 0.70 0.60 -.-- 105b 50 Centavos 1942 AU Plantation 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 108b 10 Pesos 1942 XF Plantation & X for 10 0.75 0.70 0.60 0.45 108b 10 Pesos 1942 VF Plantation & X for 10 0.30 0.25 -.-- -.-- 112a 100 Pesos 1944 AU Rizal monument 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 SET OF 5 PHILIPPINES JIM (Japanese Invasion Money) NOTES 50 CENTAVOS, 1 PESO, 5 PESOS, 10 PESOS, 100 PESOS 11.00 10.00 9.75 9.50 PHILIPPINES GUERILLA (WORLD WAR II) SET of 10 GUERILLA NOTES - INCLUDES: BOHOL 10 & 50 CENTAVOS, CEBU 1 & 10 PESOS, ILOILO 1 & 2 PESOS, NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 1 & 2 PESOS, NEGROS ISLANDS 1 & 5 PESOS 11.00 10.00 9.75 9.50 BOHOL S131d 10 Centavos 1942 F Brown Color, small format, initialed by 1 member, signed by 2 1.30 0.85 0.75 0.70 S132f 25 Centavos 1942 F Initialed by one member and signed by Auditor & Treasurer 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.90 S133 25 Centavos 1942 EF Engraver's initials (FD) at lower left, reverse like S132f 1.30 0.85 0.75 0.70 S134d 50 Centavos 1942 VF Initialed by one member and signed by Auditor & Fiscal Dir. 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 S134e 50 Centavos 1942 VF As S134d, but with significantly larger signatures 1.25 1.00 0.95 0.90 S136d 1 Peso 1942 VF Treasurer Signature with printed signatures 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 CEBU (Philippines National Bank) S215 1 Peso 1941 F With the title Emergency Circulating Note 1941 (blue) 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.40 S216a 5 Pesos 1941 VF On Bais paper (black on yellow) 1.50 1.25 1.05 0.90 S217a 10 Pesos 1941 EF Paper without watermark 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 S217b 10 Pesos 1941 EF Watermark vertically 6.25 6.10 5.95 5.85 S218 20 Pesos 1941 EF Watermark vertically - Bais Paper 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.35 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL PROVISIONAL CURRENCY COMMITTEE S644 20 Centavos * 1942 F+ Green Design 3.80 3.50 3.10 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| POLAND 23 1 Zlotych * 1919 AU Modern design 12.75 12.00 11.50 -.-- 24 5 Zlotych * 1919 XF Modern design 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 25 10 Marek 1919 F-VF Kosciuszkyu Portrait 5.75 5.00 4.50 -.-- 27 100 Marek * 1919 VF-XF Kosciuszkyu Portrait / Crowned Eagle 9.75 9.00 8.50 -.-- 31 5,000 Marek 1920 F-VF Large format, Kosciusko & woman 13.75 13.00 11.50 -.-- 71 50 Zlotych 1938 VF Medieval scene / 2 buildings 12.75 12.00 11.50 -.-- 73 20 Zlotych 1938 VF E.Plater portrait/ farm woman & 2 children 14.75 14.40 14.00 -.-- 77 20 Zlotych 1936 XF Statue of women with children 15.00 14.75 14.50 -.-- 77 20 Zlotych 1936 VF Statue of women with children 11.50 11.00 10.75 -.-- 97 100 Zlotych 1940 G-F World War II Nazi occupation / Old Warsaw 8.75 8.50 8.25 7.50 102 50 Zlotych 1941 F-VF World War II Nazi occupation of Poland issue 12.25 12.10 11.95 11.85 103 100 Zlotych * 1941 F-VF World War II Nazi occupation of Poland issue 14.25 14.00 12.00 -.-- 142b 50 Zlotych 1982 UNC General K.Swierczewski / Order of Grunwald 3.85 3.65 3.45 3.25 142C 50 Zlotych 1988 UNC General K.Swierczewski / Order of Grunwald 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 143e 100 Zlotych 1986 UNC Proletariat - newspaper 0.90 0.80 -.-- -.-- 148 10 Zlotych 1982 UNC General Jozef Bem / Intricate turned design 5.25 5.00 -.-- -.-- 149 20 Zlotych 1982 UNC R. Traugutt / Colorful reverse 2.15 1.85 1.35 -.-- 173 10 Zloty * 1994 XF-AU Prince Mieszko I / Medieval Denar Coin 3.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- PORTUGAL 167b 20 Escudos 1964 UNC St. A of Padua/Lisbon Church 7.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 175b 1000 Escudos 1980 XF Dom Pedro V / Religious scene & early locomotive 15.00 14.75 14.50 -.-- 176a 20 Escudos 1978 UNC Adm G. Coutinho/seaplane 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 176b 20 Escudos 1978 UNC Adm G. Coutinho/seaplane 5.25 4.75 4.50 4.25 179b 100 Escudos 1987 UNC Pessosa/ Rosebud 8.75 8.50 8.25 -.-- 179b 100 Escudos 1987 XF Banknote in large windowed envelope with map & Country info 12.00 11.50 11.00 -.-- PORTUGAL EMERGENCY MONEY 5 Centavos 1920's UNC City hospital of CUBA & Portuguese Coat of Arms 12.75 11.40 11.00 9.80 10 Centavos 1920's UNC City hospital of CUBA & Portuguese Coat of Arms 17.25 16.15 15.00 14.80 5 Centavos 1920's UNC Hospital de S.Jose / Mother & 2 children 4.00 3.55 3.10 2.65 10 Centavos 1920's UNC Hospital de S.Jose / Mother & 2 children 5.00 4.55 4.10 3.65 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| QATAR 13b 1 Riyal 1985 UNC Monetary Authority; Arms/beached boat 9.75 8.50 8.00 7.50 22 10 Riyals * 2003 F-VF Dhow boat & Palm 4.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- REPUBLIC OF CHINA (see Taiwan) RHODESIA (see also, Zimbabwe) ROMANIA 76 100 Lei * 1945 XF King Michael -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- 101b 500 Lei 1992 UNC Brancusi & sculptures 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.35 RUSSIA / USSR = CCCP 37E 500 Rubles 1917 F Debentures used as money, with no coupons & graffiti 28.00 26.00 24.00 -.-- 37F 1000 Rubles 1917 F Debentures used as money, with no coupons 17.00 16.00 15.50 -.-- 37G 5000 Rubles 1917 F Debentures used as money, with coupons 37.00 36.00 35.00 -.-- 95 1000 Rubles 1918 F Last series before Communist banknotes 4.75 4.40 4.00 -.-- 117a 100,000 Rubles 1921 G+ 1st Highest denomination note , colored Red 5.25 5.00 4.75 -.-- 202 1 Chervonetz 1937 F 1st Lenin portrait on last Chervontsev issue 10.75 10.50 10.00 -.-- 203 3 Chervontsev 1937 F 1st Lenin portrait on last Chervontsev issue 14.00 13.75 13.50 -.-- 204 5 Chervontsev 1937 F 1st Lenin portrait on last Chervontsev issue 16.00 15.00 14.50 -.-- 215 5 Rubles 1938 F Aviator with front mount parachute & propeller 6.75 6.55 6.25 -.-- 222a 1 Ruble 1961 UNC Symbols of the former Communist State 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.35 223 3 Rubles 1961 UNC Monument & Kremlin 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 241 50 Rubles * 1991 VF+ Lenin Portrait/Annunciation tower with 14 Languages 4.75 3.50 -.-- -.-- 249 500 Rubles 1992 UNC Lenin/Bldg. - last Soviet type, red 8.50 8.00 7.75 7.50 250 1,000 Rubles 1992 UNC Lenin/St.Basilius Cath.-very last Soviet type 8.50 8.00 7.75 7.50 250 1,000 Rubles 1992 F Lenin/St.Basilius Cath.-very last Soviet type 3.25 2.85 2.65 2.35 252 5,000 Runles * 1992 UNC Kremlin & St.Basilius Cathedral 7.00 5.50 5.25 5.00 254 100 Rubles 1993 UNC 1st issue with new Russian flag/Spasski tower 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.35 256 500 Rubles * 1993 F-VF New Russian flag 1.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- S1186b 100 Rubles 1920 XF EAST SIBERIA, Chita. Double headed eagle & flowers 37.00 33.00 30.00 27.00 Sovchos 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 & 100 R 1985 UNC (Complete Set) Kirov Province, 60 Years of USSR, Uniface locals 26.00 25.00 24.00 20.00 MMM 10 Value 1991 UNC Ponzi scheme billet, printed in red with Mavrodi portrait 2.30 1.90 1.60 1.40 De la Rue Giori Printed 10 Roubles Test Note with Alexandr Pushkin's Wife, Natalia with Ace of Spades 19.75 19.50 19.00 17.50 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| RWANDA 6e 20 Francs 1976 UNC Flag/School kids, forest, electrical plant 4.75 4.65 4.55 4.40 19 100 Francs 1989 UNC Zebras/woman with baby, mountains 4.75 4.40 4.00 3.80 22 5000 Francs 1988 UNC Woman with head basket, bananas & rural scene 7.25 7.00 6.90 6.75 ST. HELENA 9 1 Pound 1981 UNC Ships & Island from an old print & QEII (Napoleon Exile) 25.00 23.00 -.-- -.-- 7b 5 Pounds 1981 UNC Corrected Spelling of Angilae/ Q.E.II/ships 23.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- ST.THOMAS & PRINCE 60 100 Dobras 1989 UNC King Amador & Flower / Colorful local scene 6.00 5.50 -.-- -.-- SAMOA 31a 2 Tala 1990 UNC Portrait, village - Polymer, partially engraved 5.25 5.00 4.75 -.-- SAUDI ARABIA 6 1 Riyal * 1961 G-F Hill of Light / Arms - Embedded Security Thread 11.00 10.00 -.-- -.-- 11 1 Riyal * 1968 G-F Monetary Agency-No King Portrait-Gov't Buildings & Coat of Arms 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- 11 1 Riyal 1968 F Monetary Agency-No King Portrait-Gov't Buildings & Coat of Arms 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- 13 10 Riyals 1968 F Monetary Agcy-No King Portrait-Mosque & Al-Masa Walls & Arches 22.50 21.00 -.-- -.-- 16 1 Riyal * 1977 G-F King Faisal, Hill of Light at Center/Airport & Plane 3.50 3.25 -.-- -.-- 16 1 Riyal 1977 F King Faisal, Hill of Light at Center/Airport & Plane 6.80 6.55 -.-- -.-- 16 1 Riyal 1977 XF-AU King Faisal, Hill of Light at Center/Airport & Plane 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 16 1 Riyal * 1977 UNC King Faisal, Hill of Light at Center/Airport & Plane 12.00 11.00 10.00 -.-- 18 10 Riyals * 1977 AU King Faisal, Oil Platform / Oil Refinery King Watermark 9.00 8.00 -.-- -.-- 21 1 Riyal 1984 F++ King Fahd with 7th Century Golden Dinar Coin 2.50 2.25 -.-- -.-- 21 1 Riyal * 1984 UNC King Fahd with 7th Century Golden Dinar Coin 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 22 5 Riyals 1984 F+ King Fahd with Dhows / Oil refinery 4.50 4.25 4.00 -.-- 22 5 Riyals * 1984 UNC King Fahd with Dhows / Oil refinery 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 23 10 Riyals * 1983 G-F King Fahd, Fortress / Palm Trees King Fahd Watermark 3.50 3.25 -.-- -.-- 23 10 Riyals * 1983 F+ King Fahd, Fortress / Palm Trees King Fahd Watermark 4.50 4.00 -.-- -.-- 31 1 Riyal * 2007 UNC King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Coin / Monetary Authority 2.50 1.75 -.-- -.-- 32 5 Riyals 2007 UNC King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, oil refinery, Port Jubail -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- SAYALA (India) S435 1 Paisa 1941 VF-XF Series D (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon 9.75 9.50 9.00 -.-- S435 1 Paisa 1941 VF-XF Series E (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon 4.00 3.50 3.25 -.-- S435 1 Paisa 1941 VF-XF Series F (57 x 10 mm)- World War II Cash Coupon 4.50 4.40 4.25 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| SCOTLAND 336 1 Pound 1981 AU-UNC Royal Bank of Scotland/Edinburgh castle 15.50 15.00 -.-- -.-- 351c 1 Pound 1996 UNC Royal Bank of Scotland/Edinburgh castle 6.50 6.25 6.00 -.-- 351d 1 Pound 1999 UNC Royal Bank of Scotland/Edinburgh castle 6.00 5.75 -.-- -.-- 365 5 Pound 2005 UNC Golfer Jack Nicklaus 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- American Telephone & Telegraph Share - Alexander Graham Bell (born in Scotland) portrait with industry 11.35 11.00 10.00 9.40 SERBIA 23 100 Dinara 1941 F Nazi Occupation Ovpt/Yugoslavia P#27 Queen & man with produce 4.85 4.50 4.25 4.00 24 1,000 Dinara 1941 F-VF Overprint on 500D, woman & children 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 27a 500 Dinara 1941 F WWII issue w/ King Aleksander Watermark 1 portrait 8.50 8.25 7.75 -.-- 27b 500 Dinara 1941 F-VF WWII issue w/ Womans Head Watermark 8.25 8.00 7.75 7.50 31 500 Dinara * 1942 F-VF WWII Issue Farmer planting / harvesting 9.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- SEYCHELLES 23 10 Rupees 1979 UNC Monetary Authority-nesting gull/girl picking flowers 14.00 13.50 13.00 -.-- 28 10 Rupees * 1983 UNC Central Bank -nesting gull/girl picking flowers 12.00 11.50 9.00 8.00 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| SIERRA LEONE 19 500 Leones 1991 UNC President Mommoh / boats 3.75 3.50 -.-- -.-- SINGAPORE 1d 1 Dollar * 1967-72 Fine Coat of Arms & Orchid 3.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- 18 1 Dollar * 1987 F-VF Boats with sails / Flowers & Communications dish 3.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 28 2 Dollars * 1992 F-VF Sailing boats / Festivities 4.20 3.85 -.-- -.-- 48 10 Dollar 2004 F-VF Polymer with Sports=Track,Tennis,Soccer,Sail,Swim -.-- -.-- -.-- -.-- SLOVAKIA 7 20 Korun 1942-3 F WWII German Occupation Note 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- SLOVENIA R2 1 Lira 1944 F-VF WWII German Occupation Laibach/Ljublijana small note in 2 languages 27.00 25.00 -.-- -.-- 4a 10 Tolarjev 1990 UNC Mt.Triglav/pictorial design 2.25 2.05 1.85 1.65 SOLOMON ISLANDS 18 2 Dollars 1997 UNC Coat of arms / spear fishing 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.75 SOMALIA 31a 5 Shillings 1987 UNC Cape buffaloes / Banana workers 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 SOMALILAND 1 5 Shillins 1994 UNC Kudu / camel caravan 1.95 1.75 1.50 -.-- SOUTH AFRICA 109b 1 Rand 1967 AU English bank name 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 110a 1 Rand 1966 UNC Rams-Bank name on 1st line in Afrikaans 24.00 23.50 23.00 -.-- 115b 1 Rand 1973 UNC Van Riebeeck/Rams, Spingbok 120x57mm (New Size) 7.00 6.50 -.-- -.-- 116b 1 Rand 1975 AU Van Riebeeck/Rams-120 x 57mm (New Size) 4.50 4.00 3.75 -.-- 116b 1 Rand 1975 UNC Van Riebeeck and in H2Omark/Rams-120x75mm (New Size) 7.50 7.00 6.50 -.-- 118a 2 Rand 1981 UNC Van Riebeeck & electrical tower / Oil industry 4.00 3.90 3.80 -.-- 118d 2 Rand 1989 UNC Van Riebeeck & electrical tower / Oil industry 5.25 4.70 4.40 3.80 118d 2 Rand 1989 UNC REPLACEMENT with WW Prefix 17.50 16.50 15.50 14.00 120a 10 Rand 1978 AU Van Riebeeck/Bull & Ram with Security thread 7.95 7.70 7.45 -.-- 120c 10 Rand 1982-5 AU Van Riebeeck/Bull & Ram with Security thread 10.00 9.00 8.00 -.-- SOUTH AFRICA NEDERLANDSCHE BANK FIXED DEPOSIT RECEIPT 1920 with COUNTERFOIL From Nederlandsche Bank voor Zuid Afrika (Dutch Bank for South Africa) which what was to become Nedcor and then (and remains as) Nedbank today. Dated 1920 (interest 4.75% - due the following year), all denominated in Pounds. One or more revenue stamps adorns either the front or back of each certificate. A counterfoil or stub (usually retained by the bank as a record) is attached. Large format (with counterfoil), measures approx 12.5 x 6.25 inches or 31.75 x 16 cms .......................... 34.00 33.50 30.00 -.-- Genuine actual unused voting forms, from South Africa's First Multi-race election (1994). Each is printed on security paper, individually numbered (consecutive) and gives instructions on 'how to use the form' in 11 different languages (Zulu, Afrikaans, North Sotho, English, Xhosa, South Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga, Swazi, Ndebele and Venda). Although Nelson Mandela (ANC = African National Congress) was the winner of this historically important event, the ballots depict a full range of parties, including: KISS (Keep It Straight & Simple), SOCCER (Sports Organization for Collective Contributions & Equal Rights), NP (National Party), WRPP (Women's Rights Peace Party) etc. All 18 parties are printed in full color along with symbol, code letters & party leader(s) photo. There is a 19th, not printed; The Inkatha Freedom Party, as they decided at the last moment to come into this race and they are represented by a color sticker stuck (self stick type) to the bottom of the form. These are a unique part of "living history" and measure 8 1/2 x 17 inches or 21 x 44 cms. and are all in brand new, unfolded condition................................................................ 5.95 5.80 5.65 5.50 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| SPAIN 1 Peseta 1936 AU-UNC Denia Civil War issue remainder (no serial #) 6.50 6.40 6.25 -.-- 69c 100 Pesetas * 1925 F-VF+ Dog & King Felipe II - Republic Issue - F Prefix 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 74b 25 Pesetas 1928 VF+ Author Calderon de la Barca & Comedy scene 4.50 4.20 3.90 3.60 75b 50 Pesetas 1928 VF+ Painter Velazquez & Prado Museum 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 76 100 Pesetas * 1928 F-VF Miquel de Cervantes - Don Quixote 8.00 7.70 7.60 7.50 81 25 Pesetas * 1931 F-VF V. Lopez, woman with Liberty hat 6.50 6.40 6.25 -.-- 82 50 Pesetas * 1931 F-VF E. Rosales painter - Death of Lucretia 8.00 7.70 7.60 7.50 83 100 Pesetas * 1931 XF-AU Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba, General 7.50 7.40 7.30 -.-- 85a 5 Pesetas 1936 G-F Silver Certificate, woman ---- WANTED ------- WANTED ---- 86a 10 Pesetas 1936 G-F Silver Certificate, princess ---- WANTED ------- WANTED ---- 95 2 Pesetas 1938 F-VF Civil War issue, woman & Toledo bridge, Madrid 5.25 5.10 4.90 4.70 96F 5 Centimos 1938 F-VF Postage Stamp Disk small change (black) 5.80 5.50 5.20 4.50 140 5 Pesetas * 1951 F-VF Jaime Balmes, philosopher,theologian,apologist,sociologist + 3.55 3.25 2.75 -.-- 144a 1 Peseta 1953 UNC de Santa Cruz / sailing vessel 8.00 7.75 7.25 6.75 144a 1 Peseta * 1953 F-VF de Santa Cruz / sailing vessel 4.00 3.75 3.25 3.00 145 100 Pesetas * 1953 F-VF Juan Romero de Torres, painter 6.75 6.50 -.-- -.-- 146 5 Pesetas * 1954 F-VF King Alfonso X with crown 4.75 4.50 -.-- -.-- 152 100 Pesetas 1974 UNC Manuel de Falla / Moorish Kings castle 5.00 4.70 4.60 4.50 154 1000 Pesetas 1971 F-VF Jose Echegaray / Bank of Spain 8.50 8.20 -.-- -.-- 158 1000 Pesetas 1982 F+ Benetio Galdos / Mtns & the Canary Islands 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- SRI LANKA 102 10 Rupees 1991 UNC Sinhalese Chinze/ Stork, building & flowers 1.50 1.40 1.30 -.-- 108 10 Rupees 1995 UNC Sinhalese Chinze/ Stork, building & flowers 1.50 1.20 1.00 -.-- SUDAN 37 25 Piastres 1987 UNC Camels & map/ Central bank 2.75 2.40 2.20 2.15 44b 100 Pounds 1989 UNC University of Khartoum/Bank bldg. 1.65 1.40 1.20 1.15 51 5 Dinars 1993 UNC Building / sunflowers 3.55 3.25 2.75 -.-- SURINAME 116h 1 Gulden 1984 XF-AU Government house 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 120b 5 Gulden * 1963 UNC Pretty local woman with fruit basket/Coat of Arms 1.65 1.40 1.20 1.15 127 25 Gulden * 1985 UNC Soldiers & ational Flag 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 138a 25 Gulden 1991 UNC Bank+track runners / Toucan+ swimmer 3.00 2.35 1.90 1.65 148 25 Gulden 2000 aUNC Toucan & butterflies / Cannon ball tree flower, bank 1.90 -.-- -.-- -.-- SWAZILAND 1 1 Lilangeni 1974 UNC FIRST NOTE;King & bare breasted dancers (wives) 6.00 5.00 4.75 -.-- 13 2 Emalangeni 1987 UNC King Mswati in his youth 12.00 11.00 -.-- -.-- 29a 10 Emalangeni 2001 UNC King Mswati III /Hydroelectric plant & bird 4.25 3.85 3.25 -.-- 31b 50 Emalangeni 2001 UNC King Mswati III /Central Bank building 13.75 13.65 -.-- -.-- SWEDEN 43f 10 Kronor 1958 XF-AU King Gustav Vasa 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 43g 10 Kronor 1959 XF-AU King Gustav Vasa 13.00 12.00 11.00 -.-- 52e 10 Kronor 1980-9 UNC King Gustaf VI / Snowflakes 8.50 8.25 -.-- -.-- 52e 10 Kronor 1979 XF-AU King Gustaf VI / Snowflakes 4.75 4.65 -.-- -.-- 61 20 Kronor * Mixed Years F-VF Selma Lagerlof & Adventures of Nils 5.85 5.45 -.-- -.-- SYRIA 93d 1 Pound 1978 UNC Factory worker/Water wheel of Hama 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 100e 5 Pounds 1991 UNC Bosra amphitheatre / cotton picking 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.10 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| TAHITI (PAPEETE) 25d 500 Francs 1985 UNC Fisherman, underwater scene/Bearded native, statue 25.00 23.00 21.00 19.00 TAIWAN Bond 5 Yuan 1952 XF Small format (Measures 6 x 11.5 CMS) 7.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 1971 1 Yuan * 1961 VF Sun Yat-Sen w/ Steep Coastline / Presidential Office Building 2.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- 1984 10 Yuan 1976 XF Sun Yat-Sen/Bank bldg. With mildew spots 1.75 1.50 1.45 1.30 1989 100 Yuan * 1987 AU Sun Yat Sen / Chhungshan Building 5.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- TAJIKISTAN 1 1 Ruble 1994 UNC Arms/Parliament bldg.+flag 0.65 0.55 0.45 -.-- 3 10 Rubles 1994 UNC Arms/Parliament bldg.+flag 1.55 1.30 1.05 0.75 4 20 Tajik Rubles 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms / Parliament 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.00 5 50 Tajik Rubles 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms / Parliament 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 6 100 Tajik Rubles 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms / Parliament 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- 11 5 Dirham 1999 UNC Culture palace/shrine for poet M.Tursunzoda 1.55 1.30 1.05 0.75 13 50 Dirham 1999 UNC Statue of I. Somoni/roadway 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 14 1 Somoni 1999 UNC Portrait of poet M.Tursunzoda/National Bank 3.00 2.50 2.20 -.-- 15 5 Somoni 1999 UNC S.Ayni/ Shrine of A. Rudaki 7.50 7.00 6.50 -.-- 16 10 Somoni 1999 UNC Portrait of Saiid Hammadoni/Medieval statue 13.00 12.00 -.-- -.-- 17 20 Somoni 1999 UNC A.Ibn Sino / Hissor Castle 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 18 50 Somoni 1999 UNC B.Gafurov / Ornate tea house 58.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 19 100 Somoni 1999 UNC I.Somoni /Presidential Palace 70.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- TANNA TUVA (BETWEEN SIBERIA & MONGOLIA) UNL 100 RUBLES * 1994 AU Kobalt Mining money notes w factory / horse rider 7.50 7.00 5.50 -.-- TANZANIA 6c 10 Shilingi 1978 UNC Julius Nyerere/Mountain & monument 4.75 4.50 4.00 -.-- 25a 200 Shillings 1993 UNC Coat-of-Arms,President Mwinyi/cheetah/Boat/fishing 3.50 3.40 3.30 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| TATARSTAN 1b 50 Roubles 1992 UNC Rouble Control Coupon Full Sheet 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 2b 50 Roubles 1992 UNC Rouble Control Coupon Full Sheet 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3b 50 Roubles 1992 UNC Rouble Control Coupon Full Sheet 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 TEXAS, Republic of 1 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 5 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 10 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 20 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 50 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 100 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 Set of 6 values 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 52.00 50.00 48.00 46.00 THAILAND 74c 1 Baht * 1955 F+ King Field Marshall Uniform/King Profile Watermark 2.00 1.75 -.-- -.-- 75d 5 Baht 1956 AU-UNC King Rama & ancient site/ Parliament building 14.75 14.50 14.25 14.00 88 20 Baht 1981 UNC Kg.Bhumibol Rama IX./Kg.Taksin's 8.25 7.50 6.30 -.-- 89 100 Baht 1978 F-VF Youthful King (now deceased)/Elephant statue 6.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- TIMOR (PORTUGUESE) 26a 20 Escudos 1967 AU-UNC Native chieftain - notes all show some mildew 4.00 3.50 3.25 3.10 TONGA 19c 1 Pa'anga 1987 UNC King Taufa'ahau / River & Palm trees (blue back) 9.50 9.00 8.50 -.-- TRANSDNISTRA 11 500 Rublei 1994/92 AU-UNC Blue stamp/G.Suvorov-Russian 500 R. notes 5.50 5.00 4.50 4.00 16 1 Ruble 1994 UNC A.Suvorov/Parliament bldg. 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 17 5 Rublei 1994 UNC A.Suvorov/Parliament bldg. 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 18 10 Rublei 1994 UNC A.Suvorov/Parliament bldg. 0.95 0.85 0.75 0.65 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 36b 1 Dollar 1985 UNC Arms+bird of paradise/ bank bldgs.+ oil 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.20 36c 1 Dollar 1985 UNC Arms+bird of paradise/ bank bldgs.+ oil 1.25 1.15 -.-- -.-- 36d 1 Dollar 1985 UNC Arms+bird of paradise/ bank bldgs.+ oil 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.20 42 5 Dollar 2002 UNC Motmot bird/Office towers & fruit sellers 2.25 2.15 2.00 1.85 43 10 Dollars 2002 UNC Piping guan bird/Office towers & ship 3.70 3.50 3.25 -.-- 44 20 Dollars 2002 UNC Hummingbird/towers,steel drums-Golden security 7.75 7.60 7.40 7.15 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| TUNISIA 59 5 Dinar 1958 F-VF A young Habib Borguiba with Bridge 15.75 15.50 15.25 14.00 87 10 Dinar * 1994 F-VF with Graffiti Ibn Khaldoun 14th C Historian & Philosopher/ Open Book 8.75 -.-- -.-- -.-- TURKEY 180 10 Lira * 1966 UNC Ataturk portrait 9.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 187b 20 Lira 1974 UNC Ataturk /Mausoleum in Ankara 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 194b 100 Lira 1984 UNC Ataturk/Ankara fortress, non-copieable document 2.70 2.40 2.10 1.80 212 500000 Lira 1998 UNC Ataturk / Martyr's monument 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 TURKMENISTAN 1 1 Manat 1993 UNC Monuments & horse center coat of arms 1.70 1.55 1.35 1.25 2 5 Manat 1993 UNC Building+drinking vase/Abu Seyidin 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.35 3 10 Manat 1993 UNC President Niyazov 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 4a 20 Manat 1993 UNC President Niyazov 4.25 3.90 3.80 3.75 4b 20 Manat 1995 UNC President Niyazov+library/arms+mausoleum 3.25 2.90 2.80 2.75 TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS Shulton Inc.(Old Spice) Share certificate - With the Old Grand Turk (3 Masted Schooner), woman with globe etc. 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 UGANDA 30c 50 Shillings 1994 UNC Arms+map/Parliament bldg. 4.70 4.00 3.65 3.25 31b 100 Shillings 1988 UNC Coat-of-Arms, map/court,Watermark=bird 2.50 2.10 1.90 1.75 UKRAINE 81 1 Karbovanets 1991 UNC Viking statue/St.Sofia Cathedral, Kiev 1.85 1.35 1.05 0.75 92r 2000 Karbovantziv * 1993 UNC REPLACEMENT Vikings on Prow boat / Cathedral of Kiev 8.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 116 1 Hryvnia 2004 UNC St. Volodimir/Medieval Khersonne City scene & eagle 1.25 1.15 1.00 -.-- 118 5 Hryvni 2004 UNC Bohdan Khemelnetsky / Illinska Church, weaponry 4.00 3.90 3.75 -.-- 119 10 Hryvni 2004 UNC Mazepa / Pereska Monastery of Kiev, balalaika 7.80 7.70 7.50 -.-- 120 20 Hryvni 2004 UNC Ivan Franko / Opera house of Lviv 16.00 15.50 15.00 -.-- UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 12b 5 Dirhams 1995 UNC Sharjah Market/Seacoast cave 8.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 13b 10 Dirhams * 1982 F+ Curved Arabian dagger / Falcon etc 10.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA, U.S.A.) - Please see below. |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| URUGUAY 34 50 Centesimos 1939 AU Artigas/Dam 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 47 100 Pesos * 1967 UNC Jose Gervasio Artigas / Printer Thomas De La Rue 2.75 2.60 2.50 2.40 54 ½ New Peso on 500 pesos 1975 AU-UNC J.G.Artigas/hydroelectric dam 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.80 57 5 New Pesos on 5000 Old * 1975 AU J.G.Artigas with overprint circle 7.00 6.00 5.00 -.-- UZBEKISTAN 73 1 Sum 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms / tree & fountain 1.25 1.00 0.95 -.-- 74 3 Sum 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms/Mosque of Cacma Ayub Mazar 2.75 2.60 2.50 2.40 75 5 Sum 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms / Tashkent monument 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 76 10 Sum 1994 UNC Coat-of-Arms /Khiva Mosque 3.50 3.00 2.80 2.70 VANUATU 1 100 Vatu 1982 UNC Local god/cattle grazing among coconut palms 7.00 6.80 6.70 6.50 8 200 Vatu 1995 UNC Local chief-spear/Local parliament and family statue 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 VENEZUELA 50h 5 Bolivares 1974 UNC Bolivar & Miranda/National Pantheon (Rarer type) 4.25 4.00 3.75 3.50 70b 5 Bolivares 1989 UNC Bolivar & Miranda/National Pantheon 1.50 1.00 0.90 -.-- 57 10 Bolivares 1981 UNC J.Sucre/Battle of Ayacucho 9.00 8.50 8.00 -.-- 61a 10 Bolivares 1986 UNC S.Bolivar+J.Sucre/Battle of Cordoba 5.00 3.50 3.20 3.00 63 20 Bolivares * 1992 XF-AU Jose Antonio Paez / monument 1.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 68 1 Bolivar 1989 UNC Simon Bolivar portrait/Coat-of-Arms 1.10 0.90 0.70 -.-- 69 2 Bolivars 1989 UNC Simon Bolivar portrait/Coat-of-Arms 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 76c 1,000 Bolivares 1998 UNC Bolivar/Declaration/Signing of Declaration of Indep. 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 93 100 Bolivares 2015 UNC Vertical Style Hero / Birds Maracaibo Oil Exploration of Venezuela Share Certificate. An allegorical person crowning 2 others 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 VIETNAM R1 10 Xu 1963 F-VF Issued in the name of the National Liberation Front 4.50 4.25 4.00 3.75 R4 1 Dong * 1963 F-VF Issued in the name of the National Liberation Front 6.00 5.50 5.25 5.00 33 500 Dong * 1972 AU-UNC Tiger 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 100 200 Dong 1987 UNC Ho Chi Minh / Tractor & farm workers 2.25 2.00 1.80 1.75 101a 500 Dong 1989 UNC Ho Chi Minh/Coat-of-Arms/Harbor-ships and truck 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 106 1000 Dong 1989 UNC Ho Chi Minh / Elephants & logging 1.25 1.15 1.00 0.80 107 2000 Dong * 1988 UNC Ho Chi Minh / Women workers in (textile?) factory 1.85 1.70 1.50 1.20 108 5000 Dong * 1991 UNC Ho Chi Minh / Hydroelectic dam 1.55 1.35 1.15 0.90 UNL Ration Coupon * 1975 XF+ Small perforated ration coupon for 5 Kilos of rice 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 UNL Ration Coupon * 1979 VF+ Woman's (pink) textile measures 5 x 3.25" complete w all coupons, Gov't stamped & hand signed 9.00 8.50 8.00 7.00 UNL Ration Coupon * 1979 VF+ Men's (blue) textile measures 5 x 3.25" complete w all coupons, Gov't stamped & hand signed 14.00 13.50 13.00 12.00 VIETNAM SAFE CONDUCT PASS/Flags of S.Vietnam,USA,Australia,Thailand,Korea,New Zealand and Philippines AU 18.75 18.50 18.00 -.-- VIETNAM, SOUTH 1 1 Dong 1956 AU First banknote 6.00 5.85 5.65 5.45 16 20 Dong * 1964 F+ Stylized Fish on reverse / Dragon Watermark 3.50 3.00 -.-- -.-- 25a 50 Dong 1969 AU-UNC Bank building 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.25 WEST AFRICAN STATES 110Ae 500 Francs 1995 UNC Ivory Coast-Moslem head,coast/tractor 16.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 710Kk 500 Francs 2001 UNC Senegal-Turbaned head/tractor 8.75 8.60 8.40 8.20 711K1 1,000 Francs 2002 UNC Senegal-Female head,carrying bundles/huts, masks etc 9.00 8.00 -.-- -.-- 716K 2,000 Francs 2003 UNC Senegal-Plane, train, bus & symbol/fish 6.00 5.60 5.40 5.20 806Th 500 Francs 1985 UNC Togo - Farmer in native headdress 10.50 10.25 10.00 -.-- 806Th 500 Francs 1985 AU-UNC Togo - Farmer in native headdress - Corner nibs 8.75 8.60 8.40 8.20 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC 24 10 Rials 1992 UNC Bakiliya Mosque/Ma'arib dam 1.55 1.45 1.35 1.25 YEMEN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 6 500 Fils 1984 UNC Aden port scene with dhow/Date palm/English titles 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 YUGOSLAVIA, the KINGDOM of (ITALIAN OCCUPATION of MONTENEGRO WWII) R10 10 Dinara 1941 F++ King Peter II/Woman in Native dress; VERIFICATO Overprint 10.00 8.50 7.75 7.25 R11 20 Dinara 1941 F++ King Peter as a boy / Woman in Wreath; VERIFICATO Overprint 12.00 10.00 9.00 -.-- R12 50 Dinara 1941 F++ King Alexander/Equestrain statue; VERIFICATO Overprint 15.00 13.00 12.00 -.-- R13 100 Dinara 1941 F++ Queen/Young farmer with produce; VERIFICATO Overprint 18.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 YUGOSLAVIA (27b is SERBIA) 12 1 Dinar * 1919 F-VF Royal Kingdon of Croatia, Serbia & Slovenes 16.50 -.-- -.-- -.-- 27b 100 Dinara 1929 VG-F Woman,harbor,Coat-of-Arms,costume,fruit 3.00 2.85 2.65 2.45 27b 100 Dinara 1929 F-VF Woman,harbor,Coat-of-Arms,costume,fruit 3.25 3.00 2.80 2.75 27b 100 Dinara 1929 VF-XF Woman,harbor,Coat-of-Arms,costume,fruit 4.50 4.40 4.30 4.20 27b 100 Dinara 1929 XF+ Woman,harbor,Coat-of-Arms,costume,fruit 5.25 5.00 4.90 4.75 90a 100 Dinara 1978 UNC Equestrian statue of peace at UN in New York City 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 92c 1000 Dinara 1981 UNC Woman with fruit & ornamental reverse 1.40 1.25 1.10 0.85 112 100 Dinara 1992 UNC Female factory worker 1.25 1.00 0.90 0.85 128 5000 Dinara * 1993 F-VF Tesla and Tesla Museum 2.50 2.20 1.90 1.30 137 500 Billion Dinara 1993 XF Most Zeroes (11) High Denomination 3.25 3.00 2.80 2.75 153b 10 Dinara 2000 UNC Karadzi/Vertical view 1.70 1.50 1.30 1.10 27 100 Dinara 1949 F+ Genuine Verificato Overprint WWII 27.00 25.00 -.-- -.-- ZAIRE also see Congo (former Zaire) 21b 5 Zaires 1977 G-F A young Mobutu in national costume/ Coat of Arms 2.25 1.80 1.60 1.50 23b 10 Zaires 1977 G-F A young Mobutu in military costume/ Coat of Arms 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 26A 5 Zaires 1985 UNC Mobutu & jumping leopard/ Dam 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 39a 20,000 Zaires 1991 UNC Mobutu/ National Bank building 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 48 5 New Makuta 1993 UNC Mobutu/people's monument 1.25 1.00 0.90 0.85 65 500 New Zaires 1995 UNC Mobutu/design reverse 3.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 16a 50 Makuta 1973 Specimen 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 18a 1 Zaire 1972 Specimen 18.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 22s 5 Zaires 1979 Specimen 27.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 45s 1000000 Zaires 1993 Specimen 28.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 79s 1000000 Zaires 1996 Specimen 25.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- ZAMBIA 24c 2 Kwacha 1988 UNC Kuanda, Fish Eagle and flowers/school & students 1.25 1.00 0.90 0.85 30a 5 Kwacha 1991 UNC K.Kaunda / Statue 2.00 1.85 1.65 1.45 31b 10 Kwacha 1991 UNC Kuanda & eagle/giraffe,art & freedom statue 2.25 2.00 1.80 1.75 32b 20 Kwacha 1991 UNC Kuanda & eagle/antelope,art,freedom statue 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 36a 20 Kwacha 1992 UNC Eagle, tree & dove / twisted horned critter 2.25 2.00 1.80 1.75 43e 500 Kwacha 2006 UNC POLYMER - Fish Eagle, Elephant Head, Cotton Pickers 3.00 2.50 2.20 1.85 ZIMBABWE (See Rhodesia) 1b 2 Dollars 1983 UNC Harare-Matapos Rocks+Kariba Dam 5.00 4.85 4.60 4.40 1b 2 Dollars 1983 UNC Harare-Matapos Rocks+Kariba Dam 5.00 4.85 4.60 4.40 1c 2 Dollars 1994 UNC Matapos Rocks+Kariba Dam 4.75 4.40 4.00 3.80 1c 2 Dollars * 1994 VF+ Matapos Rocks+Kariba Dam 2.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- 1d 2 Dollars 1994 UNC Matapos Rocks/ CAT VAL $95 / Long necked Eagle 28.00 27.50 26.50 -.-- 33 1 Cent * 2006 UNC Bearer check valid only until 31 July 2007 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 35 10 Cent * 2006 UNC Bearer check valid only until 31 July 2007 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.00 63 50 Billion Dollars * 2008 UNC Special Agro-Cheque/ Giraffes fron & back 15.00 14.50 13.50 -.-- 65 1 Dollar * 2007 UNC Matapos Rocks & Waterfall & water buffalo 2.25 2.00 1.80 1.75 END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - END - FOREIGN |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Small Size (starting in 1928), Depression Scrip (1929-1935), World War II (Hawaii & North Africa + Italy), Modern (Post WWII), Stocks & Bonds, Checks, Fakes-Copy-Play Monies etc. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY (basically the 1st commonly circulating currency of the US, starting in 1862 and going until 1875) BUYING 461 2 Dollars * 1976 AU Decl of Independence + US Stamp cancelled 4/13/76 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 461 2 Dollars * 1976 UNC Decl of Independence G Series (Chicago) 15.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| The Great Depression which lasted basically from the Stock Market Crash in 1929 until roughly the WWII period had a devastating effect on the American economy. Many banks closed and those that stayed afloat cut back on their deposits & loans (preferring to hoard their cash) which chased funds out of the marketplace. This in effect restricted commerce. America thus resorted to 'local currencies' for day to day commerce, this SCRIP (Substitute Currency Replacing Interior Payments) kept the already fragile economy going. DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - DEPRESSION SCRIP - SCRIP CALIFORNIA Newport 25 cents 1930's G-F CARDBOARD GOOD-FOR, NACHANT & ENHOLM 20.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- KANSAS Clay Center 5 cents 1935 F+ Punch cancelled PAID with date 25.00 18.00 -.-- -.-- MAINE Eastport 50 cents 1935 F-VF Most Eastern City in the US With Moose & Punch cancelled 25.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 MICHIGAN Hamtramck 1 Dollar 1934 VF+ Printed by the Columbian Bank Note Company/intricate back 20.00 15.00 12.00 -.-- Hamtramck 5 Dollars 1934 VF+ Printed by the Columbian Bank Note Company/intricate back 23.00 20.00 18.00 15.00 Hamtramck 10 Dollars 1934 VF+ Printed by the Columbian Bank Note Company/intricate back 24.00 22.00 20.00 -.-- Lincoln Park 1 Dollar 1934 VF+ City Clerk & Mayor Printed Signatures, Lathe turned reverse 8.50 8.25 8.00 7.75 Lincoln Park 5 Dollar 1934 VF+ City Clerk & Mayor Printed Signatures, Lathe turned reverse 9.50 9.25 9.00 8.75 Lincoln Park 10 Dollar 1934 VF+ City Clerk & Mayor Printed Signatures, Lathe turned reverse 10.50 10.25 10.00 9.75 NEW JERSEY Atlantic Cty 1 Dollar 1933 VF+ Punch cancelled PAID with date & 3 Masted Schooner Logo 20.00 15.00 12.00 -.-- Atlantic Cty 5 Dollars 1933 VF+ Punch cancelled PAID with date & 3 Masted Schooner Logo 20.00 15.00 14.00 -.-- Atlantic Cty 1 Dollar 1934 VF+ Punch cancelled PAID with date - Larger Size than the 1933 25.00 20.00 -.-- -.-- Lodi 5 Dollars 1936 XF+ Tax Anticipation Note - Green / without serial numbers 23.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 Lodi 5 Dollars 1936 XF+ Tax Anticipation Note - Pink / without serial numbers 20.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 Lodi 10 Dollars 1936 XF+ Tax Anticipation Note - Brown / without serial numbers 25.00 20.00 17.00 13.00 Lodi 50 Dollars 1936 XF+ Tax Anticipation Note - Grey / without serial numbers 28.00 25.00 22.00 20.00 Long Branch 1 Dollar 1934 VF+ Hole Punch cancelled, Printed by American Bank Note Company 25.00 20.00 -.-- -.-- Long Branch 5 Dollars 1934 VF+ Hole Punch cancelled, Printed by American Bank Note Company 30.00 23.00 22.00 -.-- Long Branch 10 Dollars 1934 VF+ Hole Punch cancelled, Printed by American Bank Note Company 35.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- Pleasantville 5 Dollars 1933 AU-UNC High Grade Orange colored Unsigned Remainder notes 10.00 7.80 7.50 7.30 NORTH CAROLINA Guilford 25 Cents 1933 Fine+ Punch hole cancelled PAID, Print by Security Banknote Co. 5.00 4.75 4.50 -.-- Guilford 50 Cents 1933 Fine+ Punch hole cancelled PAID, Print by Security Banknote Co. 7.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- Guilford 1 Dollar 1933 Fine+ Punch hole cancelled PAID, Print by Security Banknote Co. 9.00 8.75 8.50 -.-- Guilford 25 Cents 1933 Fine+ Printed by Anti Forgery method Watermarked PROTOD - GREENBAC 10.50 10.25 -.-- -.-- Guilford 50 Cents 1933 Fine+ Printed by Anti Forgery method Watermarked PROTOD - GREENBAC 11.50 11.25 --.- -.-- Guilford 1 Dollar 1933 Fine+ Printed by Anti Forgery method Watermarked PROTOD - GREENBAC 15.50 14.50 13.00 -.-- Guilford 5 Dollars 1933 Fine+ Printed by Anti Forgery method Watermarked PROTOD - GREENBAC 18.00 17.50 17.00 -.-- OHIO Fostoria 1 Dollar 1934 F-VF+ Industrial Corp Punched PAID 1935 each with 3 FIC Stamps 28.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 OREGON Heppner 5 cents 1933 G-F Sheepskin Currency (made on Paper) with Sheep in red 20.00 14.00 8.00 7.50 Heppner 25 cents 1933 G-F Sheepskin Currency (made on Paper) with Sheep in red 20.00 14.00 8.00 7.50 Heppner 50 cents 1933 G-F Sheepskin Currency (made on Paper) with Sheep in red 20.00 14.00 8.00 7.50 Heppner 1 Dollar 1933 G-F Sheepskin Currency (made on Paper) with Sheep in red 20.00 14.00 8.00 7.50 Silverton 50 Cents 1934 F-VF American Legion & Secured by Marion Cty School Warrants 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.00 Silverton 1 Dollar 1934 F-VF American Legion & Secured by Marion Cty School Warrants 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.00 Washington Cty 50 Cents 1933 AU+ Greeen & Red printed by Millsboro & Argus with State Seal 9.00 8.75 8.50 8.25 Washington Cty 1 Dollar 1933 AU+ Greeen & Red printed by Millsboro & Argus with State Seal 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.25 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston 1 Dollar 1932 F-VF Check to the Fire Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 8.00 4.25 3.90 3.80 Charleston 5 Dollars 1932 F-VF Check to the Fire Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 8.00 4.25 3.90 3.80 Charleston 10 Dollars 1932 F-VF Check to the Fire Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 8.00 4.25 3.90 3.80 Charleston 1 Dollar 1932 F-VF Check to the Police Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 9.00 5.25 5.00 4.75 Charleston 5 Dollars 1932 F-VF Check to the Police Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 9.00 5.25 5.00 4.75 Charleston 10 Dollars 1932 F-VF Check to the Police Department 'Cancelled' rubber stamp 9.00 5.25 5.00 4.75 WISCONSIN (See P.T. Barnum - Connecticut Political Souvenir Mailer with Pin in the coins listing) Baraboo 5 cents 1933 VF Ringling Bros(Circus)Show - John (1866-1936)Lion & Tiger 13.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 Baraboo 10 cents 1933 VF Ringling Bros(Circus)Show - Chas. (1863-1926)Lion & Tiger 15.00 12.00 -.-- -.-- Baraboo 15 cents 1933 VF Ringling Bros(Circus)Show - Alf (1861-1919)Lion & Tiger 14.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 Baraboo 25 cents 1933 F-VF Ringling Bros(Circus)Show - Otto (1858-1911)Lion & Tiger 13.00 10.00 9.50 -.-- Baraboo 1 Dollar 1933 VF Ringling Bros(Circus)Show - Group view of all Brothers 18.00 15.00 14.50 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| UNITED STATES STOCKS & BONDS - all in Extremely fine + condition Abacus Fund - Gravitational magic, with two Tarzanian hulks flanking an on its side, abacus; red 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 American Sugar Company - Young man with pitchfork & grain, middle age with hammer & wheel, older with chemistry 4.50 4.00 3.80 3.60 American Telephone & Telegraph - 4 old time telephones surrounding the globe with strange map of North America 4.50 4.00 3.80 3.60 American Telephone & Telegraph - Alexander Graham Bell (born in Scotland) portrait surrounded by industry 4.50 4.00 3.80 3.40 American Thread Company - featuring a spool with their name and attractively crossed flags, on a lathe background 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 American Tobacco Company - Cherokee portrait (Native American tribe) surrounded by tobacco plants 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 Atlantic Richfield Company -Showing off her sandaled foot, a sexy maiden hold a globe, flanked by rigs & refinery 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad - Early certificate (1899) with locomotive on this line that started in 1828 12.00 11.50 11.00 -.-- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad - Tom Thumb Railroad car - The first US built locomotive (by Peter Cooper) 4.75 4.40 4.00 3.80 Battle Creek Gas Company - Large blue certificate with terms; First Mortgage bond for $8000 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 Bush Terminal (commemorating a closing era for President George W. ?) with counterfoil attached. Stylish maiden 3.00 2.75 2.50 -.-- Century Natural Oil & Gas Company - Oil gushing well amid rural and industrial scenery; red 4.50 4.00 3.80 3.60 Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. (CBS) - Two allegorical figures flank an ancient radio operator 8.00 7.75 7.50 7.25 Digital Equipment Corporation Debenture - The first computer company ? Woman holding globe, by ancient computer 13.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 Firestone Tire & Rubber Company $1000 Debenture - Industrial Hulks With Wheels, Anvil, Hammer Etc. Large format 14.00 12.00 11.75 11.50 Ford International Capital Corp.-$1000 Debenture with early auto, printed by Security Columbian Banknote Company 14.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 Hamilton Wheelman of New Jersey - Outstanding certificate, from an old time wheelmen association 8.75 8.60 8.40 8.20 Homestake Mining Co.Native Americans watching a passing train, the sorrow and the coming of the White man 11.50 11.00 10.50 -.-- International Mercantile & Marine - Owners (started J.P. Morgan 1904) of the ill fated Titanic sank in 1912 24.00 23.50 23.00 22.00 Macy Credit Corp - With middle aged woman with revealing toga, seated with large open volume & others at her feet 2.25 2.00 1.80 -.-- Maracaibo Oil Exploration Corporation - Venezuela, A Case in Corruption ? An allegorical person crowning 2 others 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co antennas that did the transmission of the sinking of the Titanic, ABNC Printed 52.00 50.00 -.-- -.-- Western Maryland Railway Company - A speedy Mercury (Hermes) runs past a Western Maryland diesel locomotive 3.00 2.90 2.80 -.-- Missouri Pacific Corporation - Two allegoricals (one being Mercury) surround symbols of industry, oil rig etc. 2.80 2.50 2.00 -.-- New York, Ontario & Western Railway - An attractive multi car view of an old style choo - choo train 13.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 Northern Pacific Railroad Co. 1880's World's Largest Corp with Locomotive & Billings portrait, punched cancelled 22.50 22.00 20.50 -.-- Pacific Gas and Electric - Two allegorical women flank an electrical generator with hydroelectric plant 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 Pan American World Airways - Two figures on either side of two globe views, with eagle above; Juan T. Trippe sign 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 Pan American World Airways - As above but with printed signature of Halaby (father of Queen Noor of Jordan) 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 Parrot Silver & Copper Company - A parrot perched on an ingot. The company was acquired by Anaconda in 1910 6.75 6.50 6.25 6.00 Paul Revere Fire Insurance Company - Logo featuring two woman beside central shield; Orange 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.70 Paul Revere Investors - Featuring statue of Revere on horseback and vignette of woman with globe; 100 shares 3.80 3.50 2.90 -.-- Pennsylvania Railroad Company - Train circling an incredible horseshoe, flanked by industry & Mercury 3.00 2.90 2.80 -.-- Phelps Dodge Corporation - Barefooted hulky fellow in the center of large mining operations, train & smokestack 8.00 7.75 7.25 6.75 Philadelphia, City of - $100 Bond paying 6% of the mid 1800's with Washington and naturally Ben Franklin etc. 36.00 34.00 -.-- -.-- Seatrain Lines Inc. - Partially nude Mercury in center, flanked by scenes of locomotive & cargo ship 3.00 2.90 2.80 -.-- Shulton Inc. (Old Spice) - With the Old Grand Turk (3 Masted Schooner), woman with globe, microscope etc. 5.00 4.75 4.50 4.25 Standard Oil Trust with vignette of Washington DC very rare certificate, these are not signed by Rockefeller 55.00 52.00 -.-- -.-- Standard Oil Company - Bare (partially) breasted Woman with test tube, tractor, old classic auto, oil rigs etc. 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 United Airline $1000 Debenture - Mercury (Hermes) with helmet, but scantily dressed running with winged wheel 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 Trans World Airlines (TWA) Inc. $1000 Debenture of 1961 with look alike actress Lana Turner and globe 11.50 11.00 10.50 -.-- United States Lines Company - Large passenger ship with female figure holding a torch and Mercury with winged hat 6.00 5.00 4.75 -.-- United States Steel Corporation - With 10+ workers, a pulley system, a pipe section, smelting and the like 6.00 5.00 4.75 4.50 Washington Gas Light Company - A simple electrical building on this hard to find certificate 8.25 8.00 7.75 -.-- Western Union - The once powerful telegram company turned money transferer. Bear-footed beauty by city scapes 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.70 White Motor Company - A woman hold a winged wheel over map of the USA. White produced the 'steamer' cars in 1906 12.50 12.00 11.50 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| A check or cheque is a writ or bill of exchange that is fully negotiable and orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money from a person's account (drawer) to the person in whose name the check has been issued to (drawee). Checks alleviated the need for large sum of cash to be carried and their use peaked in the 1900's, but have since fallen off dramatically due to the use of 'electronic' transfers.Featured here is a huge selection of wholesale quality checks from unusual places, many with interesting vignettes, or signed by or/to famous personalities etc. Catalog used is Castenholz & Sons ALABAMA 1879-1885 Used/Clean SHELBY IRON WORKS on First National Bank of Hartford CT 13.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 ALABAMA 1899-1905 Used/Clean SHELBY, First National Bank of Anniston ALA, Nicely Punched 13.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 CALIFORNIA * 1920's Used/Clean JAMESTOWN - SIERRA RAILWAY Co./ 1st National Bank 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 CALIFRONIA 1928 Used/Clean OAKLAND, W. Berkeley Bank, Hygenic Health Food Cracker Vignettes 17.50 16.50 15.50 14.00 COLORADO 1900-10 Used/Clean DOWNING INVESTMENT First National Bank Denver Punched PAID 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 COLORADO 1911-22 Used/Clean DOWNING INVESTMENT First National Bank Denver Punched PAID 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 COLORADO early 1900's Used/Clean EMPIRE FEED & FUEL First National Bank Denver Wheat Vignette 7.00 6.85 6.60 6.00 COLORADO 1929 COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Colorado National Bank Denver Burlington Route 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 COLORADO early 1900's CLARK HARDWARE & MINE (Black Hawk) Rocky Mtn National Bank Central City 10.75 10.50 10.25 10.00 COLORADO 1919-21 CRIPPLE CREEK- TREASURER of THE CITY, SIGNED BY MAYOR VIGNETTE STATE SEAL COLORADO 20.00 18.50 17.00 16.50 CONNECTICUT 1870's GOODSPEED & REYNOLDS 2¢ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IMPRINTED REVENUE Print by Major & Knapp 5.25 4.70 4.40 3.80 CONNECTICUT 1870's GOODSPEED & REYNOLDS 2¢ BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IMPRINTED REVENUE Print by Corlies & Macy 6.75 6.00 5.50 5.20 CONNECTICUT 1880's Wilson REYNOLDS NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND, E. Haddam Maiden with Anchor Shield 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.00 CONNECTICUT 1878's GOODSPEED'S 2¢ FRANKLIN REVENUE EST 1804 Building Print by Steward Harring & Warren 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's WH GOODSPEED 2¢ FRANKLIN REVENUE Print by Steward Harring & Warren 437 & 1/2 B'WAY 5.25 4.70 4.40 3.80 CONNECTICUT 1860's L. BOARDMAN & SON (SILVERSMITH) 2¢ light REVENUE Print by Corlies & Macy 15.25 14.70 14.40 14.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's L. BOARDMAN & SON (SILVERSMITH) 2¢ light FRANKLIN REVENUE Print by Corlies & Macy 5.25 4.70 4.40 -.-- CONNECTICUT 1870's L. BOARDMAN & SON (SILVERSMITH) 2¢ strong FRANKLIN REVENUE Print by Hutchings 6.75 6.00 5.50 5.20 CONNECTICUT 1870's L. BOARDMAN & SON (SILVERSMITH) 2¢ Diamond Shape REVENUE Print Maverick & Wissinger 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND MOODUS E. Haddam with 2¢ Blue Revenue Standing Liberty 10.75 10.50 10.25 10.00 CONNECTICUT 1866 NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam with 2¢ Orange Revenue, Dividen Check 9.50 9.00 8.50 8.00 CONNECTICUT 1869 NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam with 2¢ Orange Revenue, Manuscript Cancel 17.50 17.00 16.50 14.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam - Martin & Watrous with Deer Family Vignette 13.50 13.00 12.50 12.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam 2¢ Orange Imprinted Revenue, Thos Gross Jr. 3.35 3.00 2.80 2.40 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam 2¢ Orange Imprinted Revenue, Cashier's Check 6.55 6.00 5.80 5.40 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam 2¢ Orange Imprinted Revenue, James S. Ray 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.40 CONNECTICUT 1869 NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam with 2¢ Orange Revenue, Manuscript Cancel 17.50 17.00 16.50 14.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's WILLIAMS DUCK CO East Haddam (textile, not Quack-Quack)with Vignette of Cotton plant 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam with 2¢ Blue Revenue, by Wm H. Woglom Green 7.50 7.00 6.50 5.50 CONNECTICUT 1870's NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND E. Haddam with 2¢ Blue Revenue, by Wm H. Woglom Purple 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 CONNECTICUT 1900 NATIONAL BANK of NEW ENGLAND (on MERCHANTS) E. Haddam with 2¢ Red 'Battleship' Revenue 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 GEORGIA 1920's R.F. STRICKLAND CO MERCHANTS(began in the 1840's), CONCORD with punched PAID cancel 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.40 ILLINOIS 1905-11 1st NATIONAL BANK, ERIE Cert of Dep. G. Washington Vignette Print Thayer & Jackson 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 ILLINOIS 1911-15 1st NATIONAL BANK, ERIE George Washington Vignette Printed by Guglem Litho 10.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 ILLINOIS 1890-1910 CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST Corn Exchange Nat'l Bank Vignette Print Pettibone & Co 12.50 12.00 11.50 11.00 IOWA 1890s-1900s FARMERS EXCHANGE BANK STANTON, IA, 2 cent INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP PUNCHED PAID 10.00 5.50 5.00 -.-- IOWA RED OAK 1900s CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STAMPED PAID 18.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 MAINE 1880s BILL OF LADING PORTLAND, BANGOR Mt. DESERT & MACHIES STEAMBOAT Co. 12.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 MASS 1898 MARCH OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON w/ 2ct FRANKLIN POSTAGE STAMP 16.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 MASS 1899 JAN OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON w/ STEAMSHIP REVENUE STAMP 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MASS 1900 JULY OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON w/ STEAMSHIP REVENUE STAMP 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MASS 1900 MARCH OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON w/ STEAMSHIP REVENUE STAMP 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MASS 1901 AUGUSTOLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON w/ STEAMSHIP REVENUE STAMP 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MASS 1901 AUGUSTBLANK OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BOSTON DIVIDEND CHECK 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 MASS 1900 MARCH DIVIDEND BOSTON & PROVIDENCE R.R. CORP. SECOND NAT'L BANK of BOSTON BLANK 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 MASS 1901 JAN DIVIDEND BOSTON & PROVIDENCE R.R. CORP. SECOND NAT'L BANK of BOSTON w/ REVENUE STAMP 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MASS 1901 AUGUST DIVIDEND BOSTON & PROVIDENCE R.R. CORP SECOND NAT'L BANK of BOSTON w/REVENUE STAMP 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 MARYLAND 1860s BALTIMORE NATIONAL MERCHANTS BANK VIGNETTE of NATIVE w/ SPEAR, WASHINGTON INTEREST STAMP 26.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 MONTANA 1880s HELENA MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PRINTED BY CORLIES MACY & CO NASSAU ST NY 18.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 MONTANA 1884 HELENA MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PRINTED BY CORLIES MACY & CO NASSAU ST NY STAMPED PAID 18.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 MONTANA 1869 HELENA L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO BANKERS RED INK PRINTING 16.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 MONTANA 1880 HELENA L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO BANKERS PURPLE INK PRINTING 2 CENT INTERNAL REVENUE VIGNETTE 14.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 MONTANA 1881 HELENA L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO BANKERS BLUE INK COUNTER CHECK BANK STAMPED 14.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 MONTANA 1879 BANKING HOUSE L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO w/ 2 CENT REVENUE VIGNETTE ANGLO CALIFORNIAN BANK SF 20.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 MONTANA 1880 BANKING HOUSE L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO w/ 2 CENT REVENUE VIGNETTE ANGLO CALIFORNIAN BANK SF 20.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 MONTANA 1880 BANKING HOUSE L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO to KOUNZE BROTHERS, Bankers VIGNETTE of SEATED WOMAN 24.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 MONTANA 1881 BANKING HOUSE L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO to KOUNZE BROTHERS, Bankers VIGNETTE of SEATED WOMAN 24.00 14.00 13.50 13.00 MONTANA HELENA L.H. HIRSCHFELD & BRO BANKERS CHARGE CHECK 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 MONTANA 1880s HELENA FIRST NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE of GEYSER to 1ST NATIONAL BANK BUTTE MO PUNCHED NUM 20.00 11.00 10.50 10.00 MONTANA 1888 HELENA FIRST NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE of GEYSER INTEREST BEARING DEPOSIT CHECK 20.00 11.00 10.50 10.00 MONTANA 1880s HELENA FIRST NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE of GEYSER to FIRS NATIONAL BANK BUTTE MO PUNCHED NUM 20.00 11.00 10.50 10.00 MONTANA * 1900's (early) LOTM - Ladies of the Maccabbees Masonic Lodge, Signed Lady Commander etc 16.00 15.50 13.00 12.00 MONTANA * 1890's to 1920's School District No. 1 Butte Blank Check w' Spectacular Eagle Vignette 14.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 MONTANA * 1880-1900 Marcus Daly & Co. Bankers Butte, Blank Check - Largest Copper Mine, Anaconda 10.00 9.50 9.00 -.-- MISSOURI 1898 BANK of MERCER COUNTY VIGNETTE STATE SEAL MISSOURI, to UNION NAT'L BANK CHICAGO IL 12.00 6.50 6.00 -.-- |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| NEBRASKA NEBRASKA CITY JAMES SWEET & CO. BANKERS, BLANK BEARER CHECK 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 NEBRASKA 1890s UNION THE UNION BANK VIGNETTE OF DEER CONTINENTAL BANK CHICAGO ILL w/ STEAMSHIP STAMP 20.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 NEVADA 1877 THE CARSON CITY SAVINGS BANK to THE MERCHANTS EXCHANGE BANK SAN FRANCISO VIGNETTE 20.00 19.50 19.00 -.-- NEVADA 1920 JOHN S COOK & CO BANKERS GOLDFIELD DEEP MINES of NEVADA PUNCHED 12.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 NEVADA GOLDFIELD NEVADA 1913 THE GOLDFIELD CONSOLIDATED MINES COMPANY PAY CHECK 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 NEVADA RENO 1913 FARMERS BANK OF CARSON VALLEY, TO THE CROCKER NATIONAL BANK PUNCHED PAID 14.00 7.50 7.00 6.50 NEVADA 1930 WINNEMUGGA HUMBOLT COUNTY WARRANT VIGNETTE MOUNTAIN SCENE 18.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 NEW JERSEY CLINTON NATIONAL BANK DISCOUNT CLERK CHECK 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 NEW JERSEY 1887 NEWTON THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE GREAT SEAL OF NEW JERSEY 6.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 NEW JERSEY 1887 WEST JERSEY RAILROAD CO. TREASURERS OFFICE INTEREST BEARING RECEIPT 24.00 12.00 11.00 10.50 NEW YORK 1863 THE COUNTY TREASURER NEW YORK BROADWAY BANK CIVIL WAR MAYOR SIGNED VIGNETTE EARLY SETTLER 34.00 30.00 29.00 28.00 NEW YORK 1823 TREASURER CITY OF NEW YORK at MECHANICS BANK BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL MAYOR ALLEN SIGNED 44.00 22.50 22.00 -.-- NEW YORK 1827 TREASURER CITY OF NEW YORK at MECHANICS BANK BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL MAYOR PAULDING SIGN 60.00 35.50 35.00 -.-- NEW YORK COOPERSTOWN 1918 FIRST NAT'L BANK BASEBALL HALL OF FAME VIGNETTE OF JAMES FENIMORE COOPER BLUE 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 NEW YORK COOPERSTOWN 1919 FIRST NAT'L BANK BASEBALL HALL OF FAME VIGNETTE OF JAMES FENIMORE COOPER BLUE 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 NEW YORK COOPERSTOWN 1920 FIRST NAT'L BANK BASEBALL HALL OF FAME VIGNETTE OF JAMES FENIMORE COOPER BLUE 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 NEW YORK COOPERSTOWN 1917-21 FIRST NAT'L BANK BASEBALL HALL OF FAME VIGNETTE OF JAMES FENIMORE COOPER 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 NEW YORK CAZENOVIA 1872 NATIONAL BANK OF CAZENOVIA LEDYARD INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENTS UNDERPRINT 16.00 9.00 8.50 8.00 NEW YORK ALBANY 1882 NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS INTERNAL REVENUE 2 cent PRINT 18.00 9.50 9.00 8.50 NEW YORK NEW YORK 1883 KOUNTZE BROTHER BANKERS STAMPED BY MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 24.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 NEW YORK TROY 1860s STATE BANK of TROY w/ 2 CENT INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP 20.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 NEW YORK TROY 1860s STATE BANK of TROY w/ 2 CENT INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP, CIVIL WAR DATES 34.00 17.00 16.50 16.00 NEW YORK TROY 1860s STATE BANK of TROY w/ 2 CENT INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP, POST CIVIL WAR DATES 34.00 17.00 16.50 16.00 NEW YORK COOPERSTOWN 1939 OTSEGO COUNTY BANK PAID CASHIER CHECK VIGNETTE OF EAGLE 34.00 17.00 16.50 16.00 NEW YORK 1830s OFFICE OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT OF THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES vignette of EAGLE BLANK 16.00 9.00 8.50 8.00 OHIO ST LOUIS 1900s TOLEDO ST LOUIS WESTERN RAILROAD CO MERCANTILE TRUST CO CLOVER LEAF ROUTE 24.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 OHIO ST LOUIS 1910s TOLEDO ST LOUIS WESTERN RAILROAD CO MERCANTILE TRUST CO CLOVER LEAF ROUTE 24.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 PENNSYLVANIA GIRARD 1893 BANKING HOUSE of R.S. BATTLES VIGNETTE SETTLERS, CATTLES, HORSES, GOATS 16.00 8.50 8.00 7.50 PENNSYLVANIA GIRARD 1913 BANKING HOUSE of R.S. BATTLES VIGNETTE SETTLERS, CATTLES, HORSES, GOATS 16.00 8.50 8.00 -.-- PENNSYLVANIA 1870s PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE VIGNETTE OF TRAIN DIVIDEND CHECK LAWRENCEVILLE R.R. 34.00 18.00 17.50 17.00 PENNSYLVANIA 1880s PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE VIGNETTE OF TRAIN DIVIDEND CHECK LAWRENCEVILLE R.R. 34.00 18.00 17.50 17.00 PENNSYLVANIA 1900s READING THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STAMPED PAID 34.00 17.00 16.50 16.00 PENNSYLVANIA 1910s READING THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK US STANDARD BEERS VIGNETTE READING BREWING COMPANY 34.00 17.00 16.50 16.00 PENNSYLVANIA SOUTH WAVERLY 1870s HOME SAVINGS BANK INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENTS BANK ADDRESS WAVERLY NY 12.00 5.50 5.00 -.-- PENNSYLVANIA LINCOLN 1890s LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE PRESIDENT LINCOLN, A.B. HOLLINGER & SON GEN MERCH 24.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 PENNSYLVANIA LINCOLN 1920s LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK VIGNETTE PRESIDENT LINCOLN, H.S. ROOT GENERAL MERCHANDISE 24.00 12.50 12.00 11.50 PENNSYLVANIA PITTSBURGH 1900s THE CHARTIERS RAILWAY COMPANY DIVIDEND CHECK to FIRST NATIONAL BANK 24.00 13.50 13.00 12.50 PENNSYLVANIA TOWANDA 1880s FIRST NATIONAL BANK of TOWANDA INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT, CASE & COWLES ORWELL PA 8.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 PENNSYLVANIA PITTSBURGH 1915 PITTSBURGH WHEELING & KENTUCKY RAILROAD CO. SPECIAL DIVIDEND 24.00 12.00 11.00 10.50 PENNSYLVANIA TOWANDA 1870s MERCURS BANK PENDLETON & DARROW ORWELL, PA INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT 22.00 -.-- -.-- -.-- RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS BANK VIGNETTE FOR STAMP TAN CHECK 8.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS BANK VIGNETTE FOR STAMP PINK CHECK 8.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS ORNATE INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 8.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS SQUARE INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 8.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS DIAMOND INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 8.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 12.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 12.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT STAMPED 8.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 RHODE ISLAND PROVIDENCE 1870s THE GROCERS AND PRODUCERS INTERNAL REVENUE 2 CENT UNDERPRINT 7.00 3.50 3.00 -.-- WISCONSON 1920s HARRY W. BENECKE MANUFACTURER OF FULL CREAM CHEESE GENERAL MERCHANDISE VIGNETTE of GOODS 24.00 12.00 11.00 10.50 WISCONSON 1920s HARRY W. BENECKE MANUFACTURER OF FULL CREAM CHEESE VIGNETTE OF STOREFRONTS STAMPED PAID 24.00 12.00 11.00 10.50 |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| |BANKNOTE LIST this * symbol indicates a NEW item OCTOBER 2024 | | US$ PRICE EACH IF TAKING A QUANTITY OF | |CAT # VALUE NEWLY LISTED DATE CONDITION DESCRIPTION 3 5 10 25+. | |==========================================================================================================================================================================================| FAKE - COPY - PLAY MONIES $100,000 with Woodrow Wilson on large format (9 x 3.75'/ 23 x 10 cms) book advertising note with facts & info 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 TOY BANK EXCHANGE $5 play money made in Hong Kong, showing United Nations Secretariat building in New York, UNC 1.40 1.25 1.10 0.85 PLAY Note "Five" - 1940's Soren Sorensen Adams Co Manufacturers of Pranks & Magic Since 1906, Asbury Park, UNC 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 Jurassic Park One United Video Dollar (1990) with an impressive colorful dinosaur 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 TRUMAN DEWEY POLITICAL PLAY MONEY in approx same size as US Money- with E Pluribus Foolem and other such jokes 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 1 Co-Op Co-Operative Commonwealth with slogan Roses are red, violets are blue Co-ops dodge taxes, why can't you! 22.00 21.00 20.00 15.00 TEXAS, Republic of 1 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 5 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 10 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 20 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 50 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 100 Pesodoll 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 12.20 12.10 12.00 11.90 Set of 6 values 1995 UNC Militia fantasy Alamo, D.Crockett, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston etc. 52.00 50.00 48.00 46.00 WORCESTER SALT COMPANY United Profit Sharing Coupon - 1 Unit 3.25 -.-- -.-- -.-- WORCESTER SALT COMPANY United Profit Sharing Coupon - 5 Units 2.75 2.50 2.25 -.-- UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 1 Coupon 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 2 Coupon 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 1/4 Certificate 2.50 2.25 2.00 -.-- UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 1/2 Certificate 2.50 2.25 2.15 2.00 UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 1 Certificate 2.75 2.60 2.50 2.40 UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 2 Certificate 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY of AMERICA 4 Certificate 3.00 2.75 2.50 -.-- UNITED PROFIT SHARING CORP. 1/2 COUPON = 1/10 of a CENT 3.20 3.00 -.-- -.-- UNITED PROFIT SHARING CORP. 1 COUPON = 1/5 of a CENT 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.25 UNITED PROFIT SHARING CORP. 2 1/2 COUPON = 1/2 Cent 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.40 UNITED PROFIT SHARING CORP. 5 COUPON = 1 CENT 2.80 2.70 2.60 2.40 UNITED PROFIT SHARING CORP. 10 COUPON = 2 CENTS 2.75 2.60 2.45 2.30 WOODEN NICKEL - Western Reserve Historical Celebration, Warren, OH 1938 2.75 2.60 2.45 2.30 ///////////// END /////////////// END ////////////////// END ////////////////// ­­­